We’re excited to announce the launch of our brand new website!

We’ve made it easier for you to access the information you need by making our website more user-friendly. Now suitable for smartphones, tablets, and of course computers, our resources are now available to you wherever you go.

Scroll through our homepage to discover the site, or click on the menu in the top right corner to discover our new resources page, now completely searchable. By searching our resources page, you will gain access to ALL of our 40,000+ resources – including infographics, articles, toolkits, and even journal article abstracts.

We’ve been working in the field of suicide prevention for over 35 years; it is our mandate to educate Canadians in suicide prevention – and we hope our new website makes learning about suicide prevention easier for everyone!

Our new website was made possible by the generosity of the Calgary Foundation – thank you for continuing to support our work in suicide prevention!

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