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Hopelessness about the future is a key reason some Black young adults consider suicide, new study findsThe Conversation
April 20, 2023
New research has found that feeling hopeless about the future is one of the primary reasons that a Black young person considers suicide. A recent report from the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found a 36% increase in suicides among young Black Americans from 2018 to 2021. Study author Janelle R. Goodwill says, “t is important to note that there is rarely one reason someone considers ending their life… These findings can… be used to inform development of therapeutic interventions designed to intentionally meet the needs of Black young adults who are either actively or passively thinking about ending their lives.”

Suspected suicide attempts surged among youth during pandemic, study showsSTAT News
April 20, 2023
**Method warning** A new study has found that suicide attempts by self-poisoning among 10 to 19 year olds has increased by 30% in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic levels. The rates rose 74% among 10-12 year olds, 49% for youth ages 13 to 15, and 11% for youth 16 to 19. “I can tell you that from my clinical practice, this is what we’re seeing also,” said Christopher P. Holstege, one of the study authors. “That’s partly what prompted this [study]. We’re seeing very young ages, ages that I didn’t used to see attempting suicide by poisoning…. And to see a 73% increase in the 10- to 12-year old age group, it was pretty stunning from our perspective.”

VPD agrees to all recommendations from Const. Nicole Chan suicide inquestVancouver Sun
April 18, 2023
Following an inquest into the suicide death of Const. Nicole Chan, the Vancouver Police Department has agreed to address all eight recommendations made by the inquest jury. These include: introducing mandatory psychological screening for recruits and annual psychological assessments for officers, mandating rigorous respectful workplace training, requiring formal administration and management training for those seeking promotions, and providing a human resource or peer support representative for anyone with mental health issues. 

The Fundamental Unpredictability of SuicidePsychology Today
April 15, 2023
**Content warning – use of the phrase ‘threaten suicide’** The author of this article, Loren A. Olson, a psychiatrist, says, “In over 50 years of practicing psychiatry, every patient who has died by suicide has surprised me. After each death, I asked myself, ‘Should I have known? Could I have prevented this?’ These are the same questions their surviving loved ones ask me as they deal with the grief that is complicated by feelings of guilt.” Olson goes on to explain the difficulty of predicting suicide, and says, Perhaps the most important thing to do is to offer hope… If you (someone tells you they’re thinking of suicide), share that information with someone. Don’t try to handle it alone.”

We’re missing a major mental health crisis: Teen boys are struggling, tooWashington Post
April 14, 2023
There has recently been an increase in male suicide among teens and young men, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Vital Statistics System report. “Boys’ human development has been compromised by the boyhood that we have built and managed for them for generations,” said Michael C. Reichert, founding director of the Center for the Study of Boys’ and Girls’ Lives at the University of Pennsylvania. Stacey Freedenthal, licensed clinical social worker and author says, “Boys are conditioned not to ask for help, to not express their emotions.” Sheila Hedstrom-Pelger lost son Tyler, 17, to suicide. Hedstrom-Pelger tells other parents, “If your kid lashes out at you, don’t be so quick to ground them or take their phone away. Let them walk away and a little bit later, check in and say, ‘What was that all about? Is something wrong?’”

Is Suicide Hereditary? Psychology Today
April 14, 2023
This article explores the issue of whether or not suicide is hereditary, looking at the influence of genetics vs. the inheritance of one specific gene related to suicide (which has never been discovered). Author Anthony Smith says, “The best that clinicians can do is: 1) Always ask about a family history of suicide, and 2) if present, weigh it as a significant factor when deciding someone’s level of risk or the observation or safety planning required.”