Year: 2019 Source: New York: Transaction Publishers, [2017], p. 27-39. SIEC No: 20190627

In this chapter we focus on the quantity and content of suicide stories in US media. Specifically, we describe the findings of our research on the reporting of suicide and homicide in US media, relative to their actual occurrence. We also document the characteristics of the suicides typically featured in US media stories, relative to the typical features of suicide cases in the population. Finally, we discuss the implications of this study and related study’s findings for future suicide research and for suicide prevention. Is US Media Reporting of Suicide Cases Consistent with Suicide

Trends in the Country? Research on the quantity and content of suicide stories in US media is very limited. Only two studies (Genovesi, Donaldson, Morrison, & Olson, 2010; Jamieson, Jamieson, & Romer, 2003) have explored these questions.