Year: 2016 Source: European Psychiatry.(2016).31:37Ð43.doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2015.10.004 SIEC No: 20160155

The IDF Suicide Prevention Program is a population-based program, incorporating: reducing weapon availability, de-stigmatizing help-seeking behavior, integrating mental health officers into service units, and training commanders and soldiers to recognize suicide risk factors and warning signs. Main outcome measure: Suicide rate and time to suicide in cohorts before and after exposure to the Suicide Prevention Program. There was a 57% decrease in the suicide rate following the administration of the IDF Suicide Prevention Program. The effect of the intervention appears to be related to use of a weapon, and being able to benefit from improved help-seeking and de-stigmatization. Future efforts should seek to extend the program’s prevention reach to other demographic groups of soldiers. The success of the IDF program may inform suicide prevention in other military organizations and in the civilian sector.

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