Year: 2015 Source: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.(2015).45(5):612Ð622. DOI: 10.1111/sltb.12155 SIEC No: 20150501

The relationship between frequency of nonsuicidal selfinjury (NSSI) and suicide attempts, substance use, and disordered eating was assessed in a community sample of 4,839 adolescents, 922 of whom reported NSSI in the past year. It was expected that the engagement in risk behaviors would significantly increase as NSSI frequency increased. Participants completed the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009) and were subdivided into five NSSI frequency groups: none, 1 time, 2Ð3 times, 4Ð5 times, and 6 or more times. A one-way MANOVA found significant mean differences for all variables across NSSI frequency groups. The no NSSI group was significantly lower than all other groups on all variables. For suicide attempts, all frequency groups were significantly different from each other, with attempt frequency increasing with each increase in NSSI frequency. The six or more group reported significantly more substance use and disordered eating than all other groups. Overall, adolescents with more frequent NSSI represent a group at risk for concurrent unhealthy behaviors and suicide attempts.