Year: 2013 Source: Journal of Mental Health.(2002).11(3):295-303.doi:10.1080/09638230020023679Read More: SIEC No: 20130647

An understanding of self-harm among various occupational groups who may be involved in caring for and supporting people who self-harm was investigated. A questionnaire was constructed to assess understanding of self-harm. It was completed by a number of occupational groups including psychiatrists, psychologists, medical workers (general practitioners and nurses) and social/community care workers. It was also completed by a group of individuals who engage in deliberate self-harm. The results showed psychiatrists and medical workers have a poorer understanding of self-harm in comparison to self-harmers and workers with psychological or social/community care training. Psychology workers, self-harmers and social/community care workers did not differ significantly in their understanding of self-harm. It was concluded that there is a need to enhance awareness and understanding of self-harm among psychiatrists and medical workers so that the referral and treatment process may be more accurately targeted towards the needs of the individual.

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