Year: 2006 Source: Britsh Journal of Psychiatry, v.189, no.6, (December 2006), p.567-568 SIEC No: 20080022

Salib & Cortina-Borja (2006) report an association between month of birth and suicides and this complements findings concerning the season of death in Minnesota. Along the scale of a calendar year, suicides peaked in April to June, which was later than mortality from heart disease and earlier than mortality from accidents. Our results from another continent, with a mid-continental climate, encourage generalisation to people born outside England and Wales. Both studies stacked data, at the outset of analyses, along the scale of the calendar year (Halberg, 1973) or as monthly counts (Salib & Cortina-Borja, 2006), a limitation subsequently remedied by focus upon broader chronomes (Halberg et al, 2005).