Year: 2023 Source: North American Academic Research Journal. (2021). 4(6), 176-192. SIEC No: 20230747
The present study aimed to compare mental health and suicide awareness among national and international students in Northwest Normal University, P. R. China. It was hypothesized that there would be gender differences between mental health and suicide awareness among national and international students. Mental health and suicidal awareness questionnaire were used to measure the level of mental health and suicidal  awareness. Findings revealed that females showed a greater response towards mental health and suicide awareness as compared to males. Gender pre-assessment about mental health and suicidal awareness for  males is (M=25.52, s=2.34) while for females is M=26.98, s=2.91, t (98) = .69, p=.00, α=.05. Gender post-assessment about mental health and suicidal awareness for males is M= 22.14, s=2.67 while for females is M=23.28, s=2.51,  t (98) = .49, p=.03, α=.05. Results showed that mental health and suicide awareness have a significant difference between male and females students. Results also showed that mental health and suicide awareness have a  significant difference between national and international students. Moreover, results revealed that national students showed more significant responses towards mental health and suicide awareness than international students. The study has given insight into the importance of mental health and suicide awareness among national and international students. This research study makes aware national and international students help to understand their role, attitude, and change in personality leading towards the symptoms severity and their psychological problems during their lifetime.