Year: 2023 Source: Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior. (2020), 50(1), 189-200. SIEC No: 20230186
Objective The aim of the current study was to use a 23-item bank of self-reported symptoms of suicidal thoughts and behaviors to develop new brief measures of suicide risk using data-driven methods. Collectively referred to as the Rapid Measurement Toolkit for Suicidality (RMTS), the new brief static and adaptive measures would allow more efficient screening for suicide risk in clinical and research settings. Method Data for the current study consist of 3,175 Australian adults who form the development sample and 3,755 Australian adults who form the validation sample. Both samples were independently recruited online using Facebook advertisements. Item response theory (IRT) was applied to the 23-item suicide item bank to develop a brief static dimensional measure and to simulate various computerized adaptive algorithms. Results A 5-item brief static dimensional screener was developed, which performed as well as the commonly used Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R), with marginally greater sensitivity and more information across the continuum of suicidality. An adaptive screener required a mean of 6.2 items and correlated 0.98 with the full item bank. Conclusions The RMTS provides reliable and valid brief static and adaptive screeners for the measurement of suicide risk in community, research, and clinical settings.