Year: 2021 Source: Psychiatria Fennica. (2020). 51, 10-15. SIEC No: 20210086

Suicide prevention requires enhancing the efficiency of current activities and the introduction of new approaches. Therefore, a new suicide prevention programme has been put into action, starting this year. Its key message is the following: 1) the attitudes of those encountering persons who have attempted suicide must be transformed to ensure that no one who has attempted suicide is blamed or perceived as only seeking attention; 2) the availability of suicide methods and equipment for suicide must be reduced; 3) low-threshold crisis services must be available everywhere in Finland, and information must be provided on these to ensure that every resident knows where to find the services in their area and how to reach them; 4) access to treatment will be facilitated and accelerated by prioritising the treatment of a person at suicide risk, as well as by paying attention and providing support to the loved ones of those who died by suicide, since early support for individuals with a difficult life situation and during crises can prevent problems from getting worse and may also prevent suicides; 5) the severity of suicide risk  among intoxicated people or those with substance abuse or addiction issues is assessed similarly as with anyone else at suicide risk; 6) competence in the media in communicating about suicides may promote suicide prevention, as positive suicide attempt survivor stories may help people find help in a difficult situation, and 7) there is a need for topical statistical data on different age group and risk groups related to suicides, suicide attempts, access to treatment, quality of care and early support.