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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Definition of Indigenous homelessness in Canada.

    Indigenous homelessness is a human condition that describes First Nations, Métis and Inuit individuals, families or communities lacking stable, permanent, appropriate housing, or the immediate prospect, means or ability to acquire such housing. Unlike the common colonialist defnition of homelessness, Indigenous homelessness is not defned as lacking a structure of habitation; rather, it is more fully […]

    November 6, 2017
    Definition of Indigenous homelessness in Canada [summary]

    Indigenous homelessness is not defined as lacking a structure of habitation;  rather, it is more fully described and understood through a composite lens of Indigenous worldviews.

    November 6, 2017
    Suicide in trans populations: A systematic review of prevalence and correlates.

    Trans people experience high rates of attempted suicide and suicidal ideation. No study to date has collated the various findings concerning correlates of trans-suicide. This systematic review aimed to summarise the available data and provide recommendations based on this evidence. Papers were included if published before February 2016, English, were peer reviewed, and presented data concerning […]

    October 2, 2017
    Trends and characteristics of occupational suicide and homicide in farmers and agriculture workers, 1992-2010.

    The purpose of this paper was to review the occupational homicide and suicide statistics for farmers and agriculture workers and to identify victim characteristics and incident circumstances. The study found homicide rates for farmers and agriculture workers were lower than rates for total occupations for 14 years, while suicide rates for farmers and agriculture workers […]

    June 8, 2017
    The effects of social media and social networking site usage on the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents.

    Background: Many questions and contradictory beliefs exist in regards to the impact social media and social networking sites may have on the mental health and wellbeing of the adolescents who use them. Objective: To systematically review empirical studies conducted within the last 10 years on this topic in order to come to a consensus regarding […]

    May 11, 2017
    Risk Factors for Suicide in Adults Aged 30-49: a Psychological Autopsy Study in Hong Kong

    The aims of this study were to identify & examine the magnitude of the risk factors for middle-aged suicide among Hong Kong citizens, to determine the similarities & applicability of Western findings into the local situation, & to recommend culturally specific, evidence-based preventive & intervention strategies. Using a case-control psychological autopsy methodology, 85 individuals who […]

    September 1, 2008
    Risk Factors for Maternal Filicidal-Suicidal Ideation

    In this dissertation, studies on filicide & on homicide-suicide have been reviewed & evaluated, including a reanalysis of cases that contained data that were not reflected in the findings of the studies of which they were a part. Some of the findings from this study are that the majority of mothers who die by suicide […]

    September 1, 2008
    The Social Construction of Aboriginal Suicide

    This thesis undertakes a critical examination of existing social science perspectives on Aboriginal suicide in Canada. Following the social constructionist analytical approach to social problems, & using examples of academic, public, & official treatment of Aboriginal suicide as the specific body to be considered, the thesis will review prevalent understandings about Aboriginal suicide: how these […]

    September 1, 1998
    Suicidal Ideation as a Cognitive Trait of Personality

    This thesis begins by looking at the issue of trait vulnerability within presuicidal syndrome. The author looks at Suicide Ideation Cognitive Trait Scale (SICTS), and the validity of this test with regards to structure and criterioin orientation. The author also looks at establishing the qualities of stability and discriminability within the continuum. SICTS is able […]

    September 1, 1993
    Depression, Impulsiveness, and Coping in the Suicidal Behaviour of Young Male Prison Inmates

    In this exploratory study, variables were analysed for their ability to discriminate between 20 inmates who admitted to attempting suicide & 20 inmates who claimed not to have attempted suicide. Those who admitted to attempting suicide while in prison had significantly higher scores on measures of the number of stressful situations reported, depression, hopelessness, impulsiveness, […]

    September 1, 1993
    Lethality of Self-Destructive Methods: Establishing the Extent of Accurate Conception in at At-Risk Population

    This study tested 561 university students to determine their demographic characteristics, experience with suicidal behavior, attitude towards deliberate self-harm with firearms or overdoses, & conceptions of the lethality of firearms, overdoses & other methods. Attitudes & accurate conception of lethality were not related. There was a large variance in the conception of lethality scores, suggesting […]

    September 1, 1991
    Stress and Self-Injury in Jail

    Using interviews with men who had injured themselves while confined & controls who had not injured themselves while incarcerated, this dissertation explores the relationship between confinement setting (jail or prison) & self-destructive crises. Analysis suggests that comparatively inexperienced, nonviolent, young inmates are more likely to injure themselves in prison than their more seasoned fellow inmates. […]

    September 1, 1990
    A Study of the Family Dynamics of Depressed and Suicidal Adolescents

    The family dynamics of a group of depressed nonsuicidal teenagers & of a group of depressed suicidal teenagers were studied using the Family Assessment Measure. Dynamics were examined at the systemic, intrapsychic & dyadic relationship levels. Trends suggested that there are differences in the family dynamics of the two groups. Further research is needed & […]

    September 1, 1987

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