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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Psychologists’ practices, training, and experiences conducting suicide risk assessment in Canada: An explanatory sequential mixed methods study

    The purpose of this study was to understand how, or if, psychologists in Canada have been incorporating this information into their practice, as well as more broadly understanding how they learn and experience the process of suicide risk assessment (SRA). To do this, I used a sequential explanatory mixed methods approach, which integrates both quantitative […]

    November 22, 2023
    The relationship between adverse childhood experiences and suicide-related behaviours in Indigenous clients seeking substance use treatment

    Indigenous populations in Canada are at higher risk of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs; e.g., abuse, neglect, or other household challenges before the age of 18) when compared to non-Indigenous populations. As the number of ACEs increase, so do rates of substance use and suicide risk. In non-Indigenous populations, the presence of prior suicide-related behaviours (SRBs) […]

    September 21, 2023
    Male suicide risk and recovery factors: A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis of two decades of research

    Suicide is a gendered phenomenon, where male deaths outnumber those of women virtually everywhere in the world. Quantitative work has dominated suicide research producing important insights but only a limited understanding of why more men die by suicide. We conducted a qualitative meta-synthesis and systematic review of 20 years of narratives both from men who […]

    August 2, 2023
    An exploratory factor analysis of the survivor of suicide support group facilitator scale: Identifying meaningful factors for group facilitation and outcomes

    Support groups for suicide loss survivors are a relatively common resource used by those who are left to cope in the aftermath of a suicide death. Though descriptive studies have been used to provide an overview of support groups in the past, there have been no efforts to understand nuances of these groups and the […]

    May 30, 2023
    Predicting death by suicide with administrative health care system data

    Quantifying suicide risk with risk scales is common in clinical practice, but the performance of risk scales has been shown to be limited. Prediction models have been developed to quantify suicide risk and have been  shown to outperform risk scales, but these models have not been commonly adopted in clinical practice. The original research presented […]

    November 24, 2022
    Educator perspectives on Indigenous child suicide in Canada

    Indigenous children are disproportionately impacted by suicide in Canada. Despite the severity of the crisis, limited research has been conducted on the phenomenon. The purpose of this research was to: (1) initiate some of the first conversations related to the factors contributing to this crisis and (2) discuss support that is needed within the classroom […]

    March 28, 2022
    Suicidal children

    This study gathers the literature on suicidal children and creates guidelines designed to assist professionals with assessing the suicidally of a child. Analysis of the literature reveals that there are varying ages of children used in the research, a lack of standardization for the definition of suicide, and resistance towards a collective research approach to […]

    April 26, 2021
    Universal suicide screening in a pediatric gastroenterology outpatient clinic

    Problem and Purpose Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people ages 10-24 in the United States. The Joint Commission issued a sentinel event recommending healthcare providers screen all patients for suicide. Universal screening is a key strategy to prevent suicide in the pediatric population. This quality improvement (QI) project implemented an […]

    July 27, 2020
    Predicting death by suicide with administrative health care system data

    ABSTRACT Quantifying suicide risk with risk scales is common in clinical practice, but the performance of risk scales has been shown to be limited. Prediction models have been developed to quantify suicide risk and have been shown to outperform risk scales, but these models have not been commonly adopted in clinical practice. The original research […]

    June 9, 2020
    Suicidal ideation in emerging and young adults: Latent profile analysis of risk and protective factors in a nationally representative sample

    Each year in the United States, 40,000 individuals die by suicide, 7,000 of whom are young adults between the ages of 25-34. For every death, it is estimated that another 25 suicide attempts are made and that over 8% of young adults experience thoughts of suicide each year. Suicide rates are climbing, but identification of […]

    June 9, 2020
    Effects of bupropion (wellbutrin) on suicidal behavior, risk taking behavior, and mood

    This study analyzed the effects that the well known antidepressant Wellbutrin (Bupropion) has on risk taking behavior, suicidal behavior, social behavior, and motivation. Despite Bupropion’s ability to improve motivation it has been associated with numerous suicides. There have been reports that state that Bupropion is the worst antidepressant for treating suicidal behaviors and may even […]

    April 29, 2020
    The lived experiences of those bereaved by suicide

    This study sought to explore the lived experience of the bereaved-by-suicide and to provide a detailed description of their experience with the loss of a loved one. The study participants were 12 bereaved-by-suicide individuals between the ages of 21 and 65 who had experienced the loss of a loved one by suicide two or more […]

    April 29, 2020
    Exploring the relationship between Indigenous youth, cultural connection and suicide through the experience of Indigenous Knowledge Holders

    Abstract This Master of Social Work thesis focuses on the personal accounts and teachings of Indigenous Knowledge Holders from Canadian communities in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and north-western Ontario. The purpose of this research study was to develop a deeper understanding of contributing factors to high rate of suicide among Indigenous youth, and to explore potential remedies […]

    April 29, 2020
    Eating disorders, suicidality, and interpersonal theory of suicide

    The purpose of this study was to look at how eating disorders and the intrapersonal factors underlying ED are related to acquired capability for suicide and thwarted belongingness. More specifically, the present study wants to assess intra-personal factors that could have a correlation to the main components of IPTS. This study wants to assess five […]

    February 18, 2020
    Applied Suicide Intervention Training Program: An evaluation of school counsellor preparedness for immediate suicide intervention.

    School counselors play a dynamic role in addressing concerns of students at-risk of suicide. Fulfilling this role requires the current pedagogy provided to school counselors be reformed to include best practices involving suicide intervention. As such, establishing a framework to address the increased rates of adolescent suicide is essential to promoting the socio-emotional health and […]

    February 5, 2020
    Exploring the relationship between connectedness and suicidality among adolescents involved in the juvenile justice system

    Suicide is the second leading cause of death in people ages 10 – 24 and a major public health concern. Factors such as mental illness, drug use, and history of victimization, greatly impact the likelihood of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. Juvenile justice involved adolescents have been shown to experience heightened levels of these factors. […]

    December 16, 2019
    Experiences of bereavement from suicide: A descriptive review

    Background: Suicide is a serious public health problem. Bereaved from suicide can have an impact on one’s physical, mental health as well as daily life. Not all bereaved people can cope well with the situation, so it is necessary for nurses to provide support for them. Aim: To describe the experiences of bereavement from suicide. […]

    July 15, 2019
    Two-spirits: Conceptualization in a L’nuwey worldview

    The term two-spirit is a social marker used by Indigenous people who are LGBTQ in North America. The term gives a sense of unity among Indigenous people because of its commonality in socio-cultural, historical and spiritual contexts about their gender, sexuality and identity in general. In Nova Scotia, the term is common in mainstream and […]

    October 31, 2018
    Evaluating the effectiveness of a universal suicide awareness and prevention program in secondary schools`

    Suicide among youth and adolescents has been increasing in recent years, and poses a major public health crisis for communities. Schools are an ideal location to provide mental health services for this particularly vulnerable population and can assist in suicide awareness, prevention, early detection of at-risk students, and intervention. This study utilized a pretest-posttest design to […]

    September 6, 2018
    Better silent than silenced: Searching for the words of sibling suicide bereavement.

    Commonly referred to as ‘the forgotten mourners’, little has been written about siblings bereaved by suicide. Grieving parents, children and spouses have been extensively studied by comparison, and this seems to mirror what happens in the aftermath of a self-inflicted death. For numerous reasons brothers and sisters find themselves voiceless in their grief, despite intense […]

    July 11, 2018
    Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal behaviours among children and adolescents: The role of adverse childhood experiences and bullying victimization.

    This three-paper dissertation examined non-suicidal self-injury among children and adolescents referred to community and inpatient mental health settings in Ontario, and the association between suicidal behaviours and referral for mental health services among children involved in the child welfare system in Ontario. The first paper examined the effect of adverse childhood experiences on non-suicidal self-injury. […]

    July 11, 2018
    Sibling survivors of suicide: A retrospective exploration of familial attachment during bereavement.

    The following qualitative study retrospectively explored the adolescent experiences and reactions of adult survivors to their loss of a sibling to suicide. The study employed Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) to inform subsequent interpretation of interview data collected from a sample of five adult sibling survivors of suicide. Criteria for an individual’s participation included being of at […]

    June 7, 2018
    Understanding and responding to recurrent suicide attempts.

    People who have had recurrent suicide attempts (RSA) are known to be at higher risk of future attempts and eventual death by suicide. They are also identified as having unique psychosocial needs, however few treatment interventions have been developed for this particular population. The Skills for Safer Living: A Psychosocial-Psychoeducational Intervention for People with Recurrent […]

    May 10, 2018

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