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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Savoir parler aux jeunes de 15 a 19 ans au Quebec

    In this French-language presentation, suicide among Quebec adolescents was discussed. Prevention strategies were described.

    September 1, 2009
    The Effects of Press Publicity on Suicidal Behaviour

    This presentation discussed concerns about imitative suicide following widely publicized media coverage of a suicide that took place in a public venue in Switzerland. The existing research literature on this subject was summarized & new studies from England were also mentioned. Results supported the view that men were more likely to be affected by newspaper […]

    September 1, 2009
    An Enquiry Into Suicide, Actual and Potential, From the Standpoint of the Life Insurance Underwriter

    This presentation discussed the problems associated with potential suicides applying for life insurance. Underwriters cannot rely on the two-year suicide exclusion permitted by law but must attempt to identify the suicide-prone applicant & assess the risk of suicide as scientifically as possible. These issues were studied using data from suicide claims filed with the Great-West […]

    September 1, 2009
    Death Anxiety and Attitudes Toward Suicide Among Counselors-in-Training

    This study examined whether gender, age, & experience with death &/or suicide would influence reported levels of death anxiety, manifest anxiety, & attitudes toward suicide among 55 counsellors-in-training. Significant gender differences were found in levels of death anxiety with females reporting higher levels. When attitudes toward suicide were examined, trainees who had had a direct […]

    September 1, 2009
    “Chronic Case – Ultimate Suicide” A Psychological Autopsy

    The presenter discussed a case in which a chronic caller to the Memphis Suicide and Crisis Intervention Service murdered his wife & then killed himself. A psychological autopsy was being performed as it was felt the consequences of this incident extended beyond this Centre & the person who committed the murder & then died by […]

    September 1, 2009
    A Proposal for the Development of Crisis Intervention Services in Northern Communities

    This presentation discussed a proposal that has been made for the development of crisis intervention services in northern communities in Ontario, Canada. Special at-risk populations – suicidal adolescents, especially native adolescents – were given attention as exemplifying the need for establishing & applying crisis intervention services.

    September 1, 2009
    A Follow-Up Study in the North-Hame Mental Health District of Persons who Have Attempted Suicide

    The results of a follow-up study of people who had attempted suicide were reported in this presentation. 108 patients admitted to the medical ward of Tampere Central Hospital (Finland) in 1977 because of a suicide attempt participated in the study. The goals of the study were to shed light on the state of health of […]

    September 1, 2009
    Suicide in Schizophrenia

    This presentation discussed suicide rates in inpatients & outpatients with schizophrenia in relation to stages of the psychosis & to the patients’ gender distribution. Difficulties in distinguishing between suicide & accidents were exemplified through case studies. Changes in the gender ratio of deaths by suicide in patients with schizophrenia were described.

    September 1, 2009
    Suicide in Depression With Special Reference to Antidepressant-Therapy

    This presentation discussed the role of depression in suicidal behaviours & the consequent importance of therapeutic treatment for depression. The treatment of insomnia in patients with depression & the promise of lithium in suicide prevention was also discussed.

    September 1, 2009
    The Relationship Between Indicators of Social Disturbance and the Falling Suicide Rate in Sheffield, U.K.

    A study examining the effect of changes in social, economic, & environmental factors in modifying the overall suicide rate was presented. Factors studied included quality & style of housing, proportion of high rise apartments & of single person dwellings, unemployment, particularly in the young, changes in the immigrant population, convictions for drunkenness, referrals to probation […]

    September 1, 2009
    Save a Marriage: Telephone Counselling for Marital Crises

    This presentation described the operation of SAM, Save a Marriage, Inc., a telephone service for counselling callers with marital problems. The structure & organizaton of the agency were discussed with attention being given to the training & supervision of the volunteer telephone counsellors. The characteristics of callers were presented. Questions were raised regarding possible means […]

    September 1, 2009
    Ethical Issues in Covering Teen Suicide Stories: Deadly Dilemmas and Fatal Flaws

    This study examined news coverage of a double teen suicide in Saint Petersburg, Florida in 1993. Focusing on how the story was covered, the study explored the newspaper’s decision-making process, analyzing the process in relation to standard philosophical methods in ethics & recognized journalistic principles. As background, psychological research on suicide & the media was […]

    September 1, 2009
    Suicidal Patients and the use of Antidepressant Drugs: a General Practice Survey

    The author reports on the results of enquiries to general practitioners about how they treat suicidal patients. Some respond with simple psychotherapy & support & others with environmental manipulation. Some patients with depressive illnesses may respond to antidepressant drugs but there is a danger of the patient overdosing on the medications they have been prescribed. […]

    September 1, 2009
    Situation de crise: a quoi repondent les interventions psycho-therapiques en milieu hospitalier

    In this French-language presentation, the author discussed crisis situations & psychotherapeutic interventions in the hospital.

    September 1, 2009
    Later Self-Destructive Behavior of Suicide Attempters Treated in Medical Wards of a General Hospital

    This presentation discussed the results of a study conducted to obtain a better understanding of the not met “cry for help” in the light of later self-destructive behaviour. 175 cases of suicidal poisonings made up the sample. The follow-up was done 5-6 years after the key attempt. 32% of participants had attempted suicide again, 7% […]

    September 1, 2009
    Le discourse sur la mort: Langage normal ou pathologique?

    In this French-language presentation, the results of a psycholinguistic study on the language used in discourses about death were described.

    September 1, 2009
    Suicides in Macedonia/Yugoslavia, From the Aspect of Time of the Committed Act

    The hour, day, & month of suicide were analyzed for cases in SR Macedonia during 1967-1976 & reported in this presentation. The greatest number of suicides occurred during the day, from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Suicides during the day most often occurred among unemployed persons, housewives, & retired persons, & people with lower educational attainment. Suicides […]

    September 1, 2009
    Alcoholics and Non-Alcoholics in Attempted Suicide

    This presentation reviewed an analysis of 300 cases of attempted suicide treated in Novi Sad over a two-year period. The case histories of alcoholics were separated out & then compared to all other cases. The outcomes of statistical analyses were presented.

    September 1, 2009
    Attempted Suicide in Mannheim 1966-1978

    Epidemiological data on suicide & attempted suicide in Mannheim was discussed in this presentation. Ecological data for a 13-year period, 1966-1978, was analyzed. The strength & direction of correlations between attempted suicide rates & ecological properties of social disintegration varied with the level of the ecological unit. When streets & small neighbourhoods were studied, a […]

    September 1, 2009
    Family Support and Other Social Factors Precipitating Suicidal Ideation

    This paper examines the effects of the college environment, family support, & demographics on older adolescents’ suicidal behaviours. 385 adolescent undergraduates completed a demographic questionnaire & the Suicide Ideation Questionnaire. 16% of respondents described themselves as serious ideators, while 59% were seen as ideators. Women indicated having more suicidal thoughts than did men. The type […]

    September 1, 2009
    Les suicides dans les institutions carcerales

    This French-language presentation discussed suicide in correctional institutions in Quebec, Canada.

    September 1, 2009
    Completed Suicide in Ontario Youth

    This presentation discussed the suicide rate for people, age 10-24 years, on a county-by-county basis in Ontario, Canada. Descriptive data for each case was divided into 2 general categories: circumstances of the suicide & characteristics of the individual. Item-by-item frequencies for each variable were calculated &, in themselves, may suggest prevention strategies. Chi-squares were determined […]

    September 1, 2009
    Youthful Self-Destruction: Indicators of High and low Risk Victims

    The findings of an investigation of all officially recorded cases of suicide among North Carolina youth, ages 10-18 years & 19-22 years, during 1972-1977 were reported in this presentation. There were 226 & 319 suicides in the two age groups, respectively. Individuals at either high or low risk were first identified in each category & […]

    September 1, 2009

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