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    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Suicide and Urban Environment

    In this presentation, a study investigating the relationship between suicide rates & social environments in various parts of Helsinki in 1970-1971 was discussed. Results supported the hypotheses that the suicide rate is inversely related to the degree of integration of the community & that integrative changes tend to decrease & disintegrative changes to increase suicides.

    September 1, 2009
    Attempted Suicide in Egypt

    This presentation discussed the epidemiology of attempted suicide in Cairo, Egypt. A crude suicide attempt rate for 1975 was calculated to be 38.5 per 100,000 population. A high percentage of suicides occurred in the age range 15-44 years. The accuracy of official government records was questioned.

    September 1, 2009
    Suicide Trends in Europe: a Study of the Decline in Suicide in England and Wales and the Increase Elsewhere

    This presentation examined four hypotheses put forward to account for the changes in reported suicide rates in various European countries. The starting point for the study was a substantial fall (36%) in rates in England & Wales between 1961-1963 & 1972-1974. Three results from a comparative epidemiological study were discussed.

    September 1, 2009
    Suicide in the Native Indian of Canada

    This presentation discussed the suicide rate among Canada’s Native population, focusing on the parameters of the problem, contributing factors, & prevention strategies.

    September 1, 2009
    Some Forms of Indirect Self-Destruction and Their Psychopathology

    In this presentation, Achte discussed various forms of indirect self-destructive behaviours, such as excessive eating by individuals & pollution & excessive population growth on a wider, global scale. The motivation for these behaviours were discussed – some times they approximate suicidal imupulses & other times, defensive purposes. The presentation focussed on a broad interpretation of […]

    September 1, 2009
    The Typical Male/Female Suicide Attempt Ratio: an Artefact?

    In this presentation, the author discussed the test of a hypothesis that the female/male parasuicide ratio might be a reflection of the difference in use of services rather than a typical parasuicide phenomenon. An inpatient case register in The Netherlands provided the data. Rates of admission for attempted suicide with & without correction for difference […]

    September 1, 2009
    Boras 1978 – a Swedish Cocoanut Grove Disaster

    This presentation gave a preliminary report on the grief reactions of close relatives of young people who died in a hotel fire in Sweden. 12 families were contacted on the second day after the fire with follow-up semi-structured interviews scheduled for every second month during the first year. In addition, information about their reactions was […]

    September 1, 2009
    Characteristics Identified Among CMHC Patients Committing Suicide Between 1970-1977 and Control Group Still in Treatment: Progress Report of Longitudinal Study

    This presentation provided a progress report on a 3-phase longitudinal study of suicide among patients still in treatment in Pennsylvania. Results represent findings from the completion of Phase I & test results from Phase II. Results of the second phase indicate different patterns by gender that may hold promise of identifiers of suicide risk in […]

    September 1, 2009
    The Impact of Health and Social Care Systems on Suicide Attempters

    The results of a follow-up study of a cohort of 228 suicide attempters were reported in this presentation. Specific attention was paid to the impact of health & community care systems on this population. Results took into account certain measures of personality & the bearing of these on the outcomes.

    September 1, 2009
    The Ecology of Suicides in SR Macedonia/Yugoslavia

    Suicides in SR Macedonia/Yugoslavia were discussed in this presentation. Information was available for 588 cases. The territorial distribution of these cases was examined & epidemiological characteristics of cases within each of 3 regions were described.

    September 1, 2009
    Homicide Prevention

    The author discussed a study the purpose of which was to determine ways that some homicides may be prevented. Aspects of suicidology that have implications for homicide prevention were reviewed, namely clues to homicide, identification of high risk individuals, & use of the psychological autopsy. Case histories to demonstrate these concepts were presented & recommendations […]

    September 1, 2009
    Statistical Evaluation of 621 Patients Treated in the Crisis Intervention Center of the Free University at the Klinikum Steglitz (Steglitz Medical Center) Berlin

    In October 1976, a psychiatric crisis intervention center was set up in the Steglitz Medical Center, Berlin. Over a 2-year period, 621 patients were registered with indications for clinical psychiatric crisis intervention. Data was collected on age, gender, diagnoses, proposed treatment, & length of hospitalization. A hypothesis was tested of whether there is a correlation […]

    September 1, 2009
    Development of a Suicide Prevention Centre From a State Hospital Base

    This presentation explained the development of a suicide prevention centre in a state hospital in 1973. The selection process & training provided for staff & volunteers before they started to provide telephone services were described. The organizational & clinical problems that confronted the program were discussed. Other issues that were examined included the strengths & […]

    September 1, 2009
    On Crisis Theory. Reactions to Sudden and Unexpected Deaths

    This presentation discussed research on crisis theory. Results from a prospective interview investigation of relatives bereaved by a sudden &/or unexpected death in the Uppsala region were presented. The first ten cases were discussed & a preliminary interpretation of reactions during the first year of bereavement was offered.

    September 1, 2009
    Psychological Aspects of Suicidal Children: Nine Case Studies

    Nine latency-aged boys & girls who attempted suicide or made suicide threats were investigated. This presentation discussed characteristics of suicidal behaviour common to all children as well as unique & individual aspects. There did not seem to be a unique pattern of suicide attempts by these children. Motivational forces leading to the suicidal behaviours or, […]

    September 1, 2009
    The use of Volunteers in Crisis Intervention: Should we let Them Handle it – can we Take the Risk?

    In this workshop, a critical consideration of the role of the volunteer & the risks associated with using volunteers in crisis situations was undertaken. Questions were posed about the use of volunteers & their relationship with professionals.

    September 1, 2009
    Management of Therapeutic Drug Overdose

    This presentation discussed the medical management of drug overdoses, particularly examining cases in which the drugs that were used had been prescribed for therapeutic purposes.

    September 1, 2009
    Attitudes Toward Child Suicide

    This study examined the differences between 52 male & 72 female college students in their blaming of parents for a child’s suicide. Ages of the victim were varied to see if this would influence both blaming attitudes & attitudes toward the victim’s mental health. Results revealed men to be more blaming of parents than were […]

    September 1, 2009
    The Significance of the Social Mobility and Migratory Movements for Suicides in SR Macedonia/Yugoslavia

    The presenter discussed the effects of social mobility & internal migration on suicide in SR Macedonia after World War II. In just over 20 years, from 1948 to 1971, the population structure changed from being mostly rural to being just over 50% urban. However, suicide still occurred most frequently in the rural population. Overall, results […]

    September 1, 2009
    Les motifs pour les suicides et les tentatives de suicide chez les alcooliques chroniques

    In this French-language presentation, suicide & attempted suicide in a sample of 52 chronic alcoholics was discussed.

    September 1, 2009
    Changing Patterns of Suicide in Newfoundland and Labrador

    Patterns of suicide in Newfoundland during 1964-1973 were compared with those in the rest of Canada over an earlier period, 1950-1964, & discussed in this presentation. Particular attention was given to whether or not Newfoundland patterns were starting to resemble those already seen elsewhere in Canada. Results were discussed in relation to a number of […]

    September 1, 2009

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