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Table of Contents
    53158 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    How the Vatican encouraged the colonization of Indigenous lands and enabled the Crown to keep them

    An abridged trip through 500 years of papal and legal history to understand why Pope Francis faces calls to renounce the Doctrine of Discovery, which underpins Europe’s heist of the Americas and a mass dispossession of Indigenous peoples that remains foundational to Canadian sovereignty

    July 27, 2022
    Mother and son suicide pact due to COVID-19-related online learning issues in Bangladesh: An unusual case report

    On 11 June 2020, a private university student (aged 22 years) and his mother (aged 47 years) from Bogra, Bangladesh, committed suicide together by ingesting poisonous gas tablets in a forest close to where they both lived (The Daily Campus 2020). The day before the suicides, the student’s father insisted that his son complete online tests because he […]

    July 15, 2020
    Reducing the incidence of suicide on transit rail systems

    Along with LivingWorks and the Centre for Suicide Prevention, Calgary Transit is providing suicide awareness and prevention. training. This program provides a way to identify and get help for someone at risk of suicide. Suicide safety starts here.

    July 7, 2020
    The quiet epidemic: Shrouded in shame and silence, suicide grows in Canada

    This special Ottawa Citizen supplement examines a major public health problem cloaked in silence: suicide.

    January 13, 2020
    Why are more American teenagers than ever suffering from severe anxiety?

    Parents, therapists and schools are struggling to figure out whether helping anxious teenagers means protecting them or pushing them to face their fears.

    October 16, 2017

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