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Table of Contents
    53158 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Canadian guidelines on prevention, assessment and treatment of depression among older adults: 2021 guideline update

    T he proportion of Canadians who are seniors is expected to increase dramatically. Currently older adults (i.e., those aged ≥ 65) account for 18% of our country’s population (Statistics Canada, 2020). Approximately 20% of those aged 65 and older are living with a mental illness. Although this figure is consistent with the prevalence of mental […]

    June 23, 2021
    After a suicide: A guide for veterinary workplaces

    After a Suicide: A Guide for Veterinary Workplaces provides guidance and tools for postvention, a term used to describe activities that help people cope with the emotional distress resulting from a suicide and prevent additional trauma and any potential for suicide contagion that could lead to further suicidal behavior and deaths, especially among people who […]

    November 2, 2020
    Workplace suicide prevention & postvention: The EAP role

    A document of the presentation given on workplace suicide prevention at the 2019 EAPA conference in St. Louis.

    July 7, 2020

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