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    53131 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    The controversies surrounding acne and suicide: Essential knowledge for clinicians

    Over the years, there have been numerous studies linking acne to depression and suicidal thoughts. Although the exact relationship between the two is still unclear, the stigma associated with acne can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental health. The critical appraisal of empirical evidence reveals a lack of understanding of the relationship between […]

    August 31, 2023
    Unleashing the potential of systems modeling and simulation in supporting policy-making and resource allocation for suicide prevention

    Over 700,000 people die by suicide every year (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021). Despite increasing investment in suicide prevention activities from many governments worldwide, rates have continued to rise over the past 30 years (Yip et al., 2022). This is because suicide is complex and addressing this complexity is our Achilles heel. There are several […]

    August 8, 2023
    Crisis: A wide range of issues

    During the course of 2003, Crisis featured a wide range of papers illustrating the multifaceted aspects of suicidology. I thought it worthwhile reviewing the past year, in the hope that such a review will inspire readers (and authors) to comment on where our field and the journal are going and should be heading in future […]

    August 3, 2023

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