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Table of Contents
    53182 Resources


    Frequently asked questions about suicide.

    Lucky horseshoes: A tale from the Iris the Dragon Series.

    In “Lucky Horseshoes” a young girl named Skippy finds it very hard to concentrate at school. Loud sounds and even lights are distracting. She finds that daydreaming or getting up and moving helps her control the distractions – but doing that disrupts the class. Skippy meets Iris the Dragon and, with the help of her […]

    October 5, 2016
    I can fix it! A tale from the Iris the Dragon Series.

    In “I Can Fix It!” a young girl named Josie experiences teasing and bullying from her classmates. To others, Josie appears shy or not friendly and she often gets angry when something confuses her. She meets Iris the Dragon and learns how to relate to others and develop resilience in her life with the support of […]

    October 5, 2016
    Hole in one: A tale from the Iris the Dragon Series.

    In “Hole in One” a young boy named Teeman can’t seem to relax. He gets so nervous sometimes that his heart beats very fast, he feels nauseous, dizzy, or often gets a bad headache. Teeman meets Iris the Dragon and learns techniques like Dragon Breathing to relax. This is a story about anxiety disorder; specifically school and […]

    October 5, 2016
    He shoots! He scores!: A tale from the Iris the Dragon Series.

    In “He Shoots! He Scores!” a young boy named Fish turns 13 and it is discovered that he has Bipolar Disorder. Despite getting help, Fish realizes that his new high-school community isn’t as understanding and supportive as when he was young.  He calls on Iris the Dragon for help after realizing that negative stereotypes and attitudes about people with […]

    October 5, 2016
    Catch a falling star: A tale from the Iris the Dragon Series.

    In “Catch a Falling Star” a young boy named Fish begins to experience feelings of anxiety and confusion. It feels like his brain is very busy and noisy. Fish feels scared when this happens and it gets worse when he goes to school. Fish meets Iris the Dragon and learns techniques to help him relax […]

    October 5, 2016
    Youth Suicide Prevention School-Based Guide

    For the individual sections of this guide, please see SIEC #2004-1203 to #2004-1228. For an accompanying annotated bibliography, please see SIEC #2004-1235.

    September 1, 2004

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