Spatial analysis of mental health and suicide clustering among older adults in North Carolina: An exploratory analysis

Late-in-life suicide is a major public health issue, with adults over 65 comprising 18% of all suicide deaths. Yet, little research has identified geographic concentrations of older populations at-risk for the psychological conditions in the pathway of suicide. This research identified spatial clustering of suicide, anxiety, depression, and self-injury among older adults in North Carolina […]

Improved ascertainment of pregnancy-associated suicides and homicides in North Carolina.

Injuries, including those resulting from violence, are a leading cause of death during pregnancy and the postpartum period. North Carolina, along with other states, has implemented surveillance systems to improve reporting of maternal deaths, but their ability to capture violent deaths is unknown. The purpose of this study was to quantify the improvement in ascertainment […]

Law Enforcement-Assisted Suicide: Characteristics of Subjects and law Enforcement Intervention Techniques (In: Suicide and Law Enforcement, edited by D C Sheehan & J I Warren)

This chapter describes historical, personality, behavioural, & situational factors of law enforcement-assisted suicides, which are also known as suicide-by-cop subjects. It also examines intervention tactics used by law enforcement officers during these incidents. Although suicide-by-cop shares several characteristics with other suicide attempts, it appears to be unique due to the involvement of other people. In […]

Depression, Suicidal Ideation, and Attempts in Black Patients With Sickle Cell Disease

Using survey methods, the authors evaluated self-reported rates of depression, suicide ideation, & suicide attempts in 30 male & 37 female black patients with sickle cell disease. 36% of the sample reported depression in the past 30 days while 22% of the sample exhibited scores on the Beck Depression Inventory indicative of mild or greater […]

Coping and Thought Suppresion as Predictors of Suicidal Ideation in Depressed Older Adults With Personality Disorders


Use of Simulated Clients in Marriage and Family Therapy Education

Simulted patient modules were created to help clinical faculty address suicidal, homicidal, child maltreatment, & domestic violence situations in a protected learning environment. Quelitative data over the course of 2 years revealed six thematic domains regarding therapists’ performance, therpists’ emotions, the simulation experiences, & lessons learned. Educational, clinical, & research recommendations include tools to implement […]

Military Suicide: the Emergence of a new High Risk Group

This presentation reported on the findings of a 6-year study of military suicide in North Carolina. All officially recorded military suicides from 1972 through 1977 were analyzed. There were 76 suicides, with the greatest prevalence in Army personnel. Data analysis provided the basis for profiles of high- & low-risk victims. Preventive measures were discussed.

Youthful Self-Destruction: Indicators of High and low Risk Victims

The findings of an investigation of all officially recorded cases of suicide among North Carolina youth, ages 10-18 years & 19-22 years, during 1972-1977 were reported in this presentation. There were 226 & 319 suicides in the two age groups, respectively. Individuals at either high or low risk were first identified in each category & […]

Too old to Live, too Young to die: an Analysis of Vulnerability of the Elderly for Suicide

This presentation discussed a preliminary investigation of self-destructive behaviour among the elderly. All officially recorded deaths in North Carolina during 1972-1977 formed the basis of analysis. During the study period there were 847 suicides in people 60 years of age or older. Prevailing theories on elderly suicide & high risk groups in the elderly population […]

Children at Risk: the Association Between Perceived Weight Status and Suicidal Thoughts and Attempts in Middle School Youth

Background:  Suicide is one of the most common causes of death among young people. A report from the US Surgeon General called for strategies to prevent suicide, including increasing public awareness of suicide and risks factors, and enhancing research to understand risk and protective factors. Weight perception has been linked to depression and poor self-esteem […]

First-time Suicide Attempters, Repeat Attempters, and Previous Attempters on an Adolescent Inpatient Psychiatry Unit


Suicide in North Carolina: Deaths, Hospitalizations, and Youth Survey Results

Antidepressant Side Effects in Children and Adolescents

Thoughts of Death and Suicidal Ideation in Nonpsychiatric Human Immunodeficiency Virus Seropositive Individuals

Neuroactive Steroids and Suicidality in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

130 male veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder enrolled in a larger study during inpatient hospitalization were assessed for suicidal ideation or suicide attempt in the previous 6 months. The authors investigated associations between neuroactive steroids & suicidality. High rates of suicidality were observed. Close to 70% of these patients had suicidal thoughts & 25% had […]

Proximal Psychiatric Risk Factors for Suicidality in Youth: the Great Smoky Mountains Study

The objectives of this study were to characterize the proximal risks for suicidality associated with anxiety, depressive, disruptive behavior, & substance use disorders, & to test whether there are critical combinations of disorders that discriminate at-risk youth independent of severity of psychopathology. The study included an epidemiological sample of youth in the Great Smoky Mountains […]

Saving Tomorrows Today

A Community Based Approach to Suicide Prevention in a Rural North Carolina County

Reading Disabilities, Drop-out, and Suicidal Behavior

Homicide Risk Factors Among Pregnant Women Abused by Their Partners: who Leaves the Perpetrator and who Stays?

A Standardized Ratio for Measuring the “Suddenness” of Events with Applications to the Four Leading Causes of Violent Death and to Certain Birth Defects

Saving Tomorrows Today – Executive Summary

Suicide Among North Carolina Women, 1989-1993: Information From two Data Sources

This study examined the cases of 882 suicide victims over age 15 from 1989 to 1993 in North Carolina. White women had rates nearly 3 times those of racial minorities. Information about precursors had not been as consistently reported as had been hoped by the authors, although findings suggested somewhat different precursor patterns by age […]