Murder Followed by Suicide in Australia, 1973-1992: a Research Note

This study of murder-suicide in Australia is based on the analysis of 188 events in four states over the period 1973-1992. The focus is on 2 types of murder-suicide – those events in which a male offender kills his female partner & those events in which parents kills his or her child or children. The […]

Filicide-suicide: Common Factors in Parents who Kill Their Children and Themselves


Filicide-Suicide: in Search of Meaning

A review of the literature suggests two primary motives in cases of filicide-suicide: actively attempting to harm a child or children, including both accidental death or actual murder; & premeditation of suicide by the parent who also chooses to murder the children to relieve their current or perceived future suffering. This article explores various factors […]

Paternal Filicide: a Study of 10 men

This paper presents the psychiatric & sociodemographic characteristics of 10 men who killed 1 or more of their children. 6 of the cases were classified as extended suicides, in which the perpetrator developed a suicide plan but could not leave 1 or more significant person (his child or children) behind, & so killed them. Each […]

Another Side of Multiple Murder: Women Killers in the Domestic Context


Implications of Autonomy for Forensic Consequences of Extended Suicide

This article proposes an ethically justified forensic approach to extended suicide associated with major depression. Extended suicide is the phenomenon of murder of a family member(s) by a suicidal person when the murder is viewed as a way to protect the victim(s) from a life of suffering. The effects of depression on autonomy & particularly […]

Suicide: the Interaction of Clinical and Ethical Issues

The authors describe how clinical & ethical issues interact in prioritizing principles in the treatment of suicidal patients. Concepts of patient autonomy, beneficence & nonmaleficence are used as illustration. The principle of beneficence (to do or promote good, or prevent harm, or remove harm) should guide the clinician working with an acutely suicidal patient. However, […]

Aetiology of Suicide

This paper analyzes possible causes of suicide. The author discusses sociological & psychoanalytic theories, as well as concepts of self punishment, fantasies of rebirth, reunion, escape, or control, & the wish to be rescued or to test loved ones. He also briefly discusses the role of mental disorder in suicidal behaviour. (VM)

Attempted Suicide: A Sleeping Beauty Phenomenon

Brown states “There has been a common tradition in literature for death to be represented as a lover, particularly for females, & the sex act is itself often referred to as ‘a dying’.” (p.11) He notes the prevalence of female attempters & states the most common method used–overdose–is attractive because it is not disfiguring, & […]

An Exploratory Study of Reunion Fantasies

This pilot study utilized structured interviews, sentence completion, ‘TATlike cards’ & clinical evaluation with 10 hospitalized depressive patients & 7 physically ill patients to elicit the following hypotheses: (1) some depressed people, disappointed in others, turn to dead objects, either in fantasy or by suicide attempt, to re-establish interpersonal relations; (2) some depressed people, unable […]

Rescue Fantasies in Homicide-Suicide

13 homicide-suicides, events in which an individual murders 1 or more persons & kills himself immediately afterward, were studied. Findings were presented in terms of the setting in which these events occurred, the relationship between perpetrator & victim, & the rationalizations produced by the perpetrators to explain their behavior. The results are interpreted to suggest […]

The Algebra of Suicide (HV 6545 B423 1981)

The author proposes that the suicidal person wishes to be saved & conveys clues about his potential suicide attempt. Depending upon the person, the clues & the choice of rescuers may range from the irrational to the most obvious. Author also discusses motivation, the availability of rescuers & the ability of the victim to communicate […]

The Suicidal Inmate (IN: Jail House Blues, by B L Danto)

The Assessment of Self-Destructive Potentiality (IN: Suicidal Behavior: Diagnosis and Management, ed. by H L P Resnik)

This study attempts to evaluate self-destructive potential. Inner motivations such as conscious intention, or no provision for rescue showed high suicide potential. Other aspects such as very negative communications to hostile persons increased suicide likelihood. The likelihood of lethality of weapon (eg. firearms and high jumps are high risk) shows intentionality.(JA)

Suicide and the Renewal of Life

The Fantasy of Being Rescued in Suicide