Acceptability of a novel suicide prevention psychological therapy for people who experience non-affective psychosis

Objectives Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide. People experiencing psychosis are at increased risk of death by suicide. Talking therapies can alleviate suicidal thoughts, plans, and attempts. Therapies need to also be acceptable to recipients. The aim of this study was to investigate the views on psychological therapy for people experiencing psychosis and […]

Effectiveness of digital psychological interventions for mental health problems in low-income and middle-income countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Background The effectiveness of digital psychological interventions in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) remains unclear. We aimed to systematically investigate the available evidence for digital psychological interventions in reducing mental health problems in LMICs. Methods In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched PubMed, PsycINFO, Embase, and Cochrane databases for articles published in English from […]

Differentiating suicide attempters from suicide ideators using the Integrated Motivational-Volitional model of suicideal behaviour

Background Suicidal behaviour is a significant public health concern, yet little is known about the factors that enable or impede behavioural enactment (engaging in a suicide attempt). Aims Drawing on the Integrated Motivational–Volitional (IMV) Model of Suicidal Behaviour (2011), this study examined the factors associated with having thoughts of suicide (ideation) versus those associated with […]

Psychological treatments that cause harm

The phrase primum non nocere (“first, do no harm”) is a well-accepted credo of the medical and mental health professions. Although emerging data indicate that several psychological treatments may produce harm in significant numbers of individuals, psychologists have until recently paid little attention to the problem of hazardous treatments. I critically evaluate and update earlier conclusions regarding […]

A controlled comparison trial of the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) in an inpatient setting: Outcomes at discharge and six-month follow-up

This controlled comparison trial evaluated a suicide-specific intervention, the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS), in an extended-stay psychiatric inpatient setting. Multiple outcomes were examined for 104 patients, half of whom received individual therapy from therapists trained in CAMS. The comparison group was selected from a larger pool through Propensity Score Matching to ensure comparability on age, sex, […]

The effects of psychotherapy for adult depression on suicidality and hopelessness: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

BACKGROUND: Although treatment guidelines suggest that suicidal patients with depression should be treated for depression with psychotherapy, it is not clear whether these psychological treatments actually reduce suicidal ideation or suicide risk. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on psychotherapy for depression in which outcomes on suicidality were reported. We also […]

Options for improving access to counselling, psychotherapy and psychological services for mental health problems and illnesses

In 2012, Changing Directions, Changing Lives: The Mental Health Strategy for Canada advanced two recommendations to enable wider and more equitable access to counselling, psychotherapy and psychological services for mental health problems and illnesses: 3.2.4 Increase access to psychotherapies and clinical counselling by service providers who are qualified to deliver approaches that are based on best […]

Depression: Understanding the black dog.

Having suffered from major depression for much of her life, Stephanie Sorrell has learned to work with the disease rather than against it. Where so many mental-health books feature Ôfighting and overcomingÔ depression, her experience and understanding have enabled her to see the value of the condition rather than what it can take away. In […]

Emotion dysregulation and negative affect: association with psychiatric symptoms.

Objective: A growing body of research focuses on the development and correlates of emotion dysregulation, or deficits in the ability to regulate intense and shifting emotional states. Current models of psychopathology have incorporated the construct of emotion dysregulation, suggesting its unique and interactive contributions, along with childhood disruptive experiences and negative affect, in producing symptomatic […]

Evidence-Based Practice in Suicidology: a Source Book

This edited book on evidence-based practice in suicidology is organized into 4 parts, beginning with the framework. The next section includes 9 chapters on evidence-based strategies for suicide prevention. Part 3 examines evidence-based approaches for specific disorders & behaviours. The final section is comprised of 2 chapters, including a commentary on perspectives in suicide research […]

Suicide Assessment and Treatment: Empirical and Evidence-Based Practices

This book includes the following chapters: ethical & philosophical issues in suicide; the role of culture, race, & ethnicity in suicide; religion & suicide; assessment; crisis intervention & suicide; cognitive behavioural therapy & suicide; dialectical behavior therapy & suicide; interpersonal psychotherapy & suicide; child & adolescent suicide; adult suicide; older adult suicide; schizophrenia & suicide; […]

Commentary: Addressing Suicidality in the Treatment of Parricidal Offenders

The high rate of suicide among parricidal offenders has important treatment implications. It suggests that the assessment & management of suicide risk & of interpersonal violence needs to be conducted in an intregrative fashion. The role of hopelessness & despair in parricidal acts & the need to target these for treatment, ideally by combining group […]

Subtle Suicide: our Silent Epidemic of Ambivalence About Living

The authors have developed the concept of “subtle suicide”, risky behaviour where the individual does not care if he or she lives or dies. Based on psychotherapy sessions & case studies, the book also offers biographical sketches of well-known people who exhibited subtle suicide behaviour, including Marilyn Monroe, Anna Nicole Smith, Jim Morrison, & Evel […]

Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior

This edited book contains 18 chapters: clinical use of suicide assessment scales; assessment of suicide; Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventories & suicide; Rorschach contributions; assessing the vital balance in evaluating suicide potential; the classic systems of psychotherapy & suicidal behaviour; crisis intervention & outpatient treatment; no-suicide contracts; cognitive-behavioural therapy; voice therapy; dialectical behaviour therapy; the widening […]

Identifying the Pathways to Suicide in Child Sexual Abuse Victims

In this editorial, the author briefly reviews an article by Cutajar et al (2010) on the relationship of childhood sexual abuse & suicide. It is concluded that much more work is needed to understand the issues involved in the pathways leading to suicide in child sexual abuse victims & that preventing child sexual abuse requires […]

The Classic Systems of Psychotherapy and Suicidal Behavior (IN: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior, edited by R I Yufit & D Lester)

This chapter describes various types of psychotherapy & their application with suicidal patients. Psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy, transactional analysis, behaviour therapy are discussed in detail while primal therapy, gestalt therapy, reality therapy, person-centered therapy, & existential therapy are briefly reviewed. (62 refs.)

Is Hospitalization Useful for Suicidal Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder?

This article examines the value of hospitalization for chronically suicidal patients with borderline personality disorder. One in 10 of these patients will eventually die by suicide. However, this outcome is not readily predictable. Hospitalization is of unproven value for suicide prevention & can often produce negative effects. Day treatment is an evidence-based alternative to full […]

Voice Therapy: a Treatment for Depression and Suicide (IN: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior, edited by R I Yufit & D Lester)

In this chapter, the author first discusses R. Firestone’s overall theoretical approach of separation theory, including the fantasy bond, or self-parenting process, & the voice process. Second, the steps in voice therapy, a cognitive/affective/behavioral treatment, are described. Finally, a hypothetical session is presented to illustrate this methodology as applied in the treatment of an individual […]

Chronic Suicidality and Borderline Personality

This article compares acute suicide ideation with chronic suicide ideation, specifically their different meanings, relationships with Axis I & Axis II disorders, intrapsychic functions, approaches to assessment, & interventions. The potential risks of acute hospitalization of the chronically suicidal borderline personality disorder patient are discussed as well as a longitudinal, multidimensional treatment strategy for the […]

Helping College Students Cope With Suicidal Impulses (IN: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior, edited by R I Yufit & D Lester)

This chapter opens by presenting data on the prevalence of suicide, suicide ideation, attempted suicide, other self-injurious behaviours, & stress among college & university students. Protective factors are discussed. The role of gatekeepers is outlined followed by an extensive discussion of assessment, intervention, & treatment, including psychological & pharmacological therapies. Involuntary hospitalization, practice recommendations, & […]

Strategies in Treatment of Suicidality: Identification of Common and Treatment-Specific Interventions in Empirically Supported Treatment Manuals

In this study, treatment manuals for empirically supported psychological treatments for suicidal patients were examined to identify which interventions they had in common & which interventions were treatment-specific. Empirically supported treatments for suicidality were identified through a literature search of PsychLit & MEDLINE, for the years 1970-2007. 5 manualized treatments demonstrating efficacy were identified & […]

Suicide Attempts by Poisoning in Hanoi, Vietnam: Methods Used, Mental Problems, and History of Mental Health Care

Methods of poisoning, presence of mental problems, & the rate of psychiatric care among suicide attempters in Vietnam were investigated. 309 individuals admitted to a hospital’s poison control centre were studied. Standardized questionnaries were used. The most common methods were poisoning by psychotropic drugs in urban, & pesticides in rural areas. ICD-10 confirmed disorders were […]

Attempted Suicide in the Elderly: Characteristics of Suicide Attempters 70 Years and Older and a General Population Comparison Group

Social, psychological, & psychiatric characteristics were compared in Swedish suicide attempters, 70 years & older, & a representative population sample. 103 of 140 individuals who had sought hospital treatment after a suicide attempt participated & were compared with gender & age-matched subjects. Factors associated with attempted suicide included being unmarried, living alone, low education level, […]