Assessment of Suicide Risk (IN: Clinical Personality Assessment: Practical Approaches, ed. by J N Butcher)

Depression, Anxiety, and Psychological Defense in Attempted Suicide: a Pilot Study Using PORT

Depressive affect, anxiety, & psychological defenses were studied in the presented research with PORT, a projective test that exploits subliminal perception of object-relation images. Protocols of 20 hospitalized suicide attempters were compared to those of matched controls, previously studied non-suicidal depressed patients, patients with panic attack, & patients with borderline & psychotic disorders. Suicide attempters […]

The Meta-Contrast Technique – a Projective Test Predicting Suicide

69 inpatients who had attempted suicide were studied by means of the Meta-Contrast Technique, a projective test measuring personality factors, especially defensive strategies. Patients were divided into 3 subgroups, 1 of which was defined as stereotypy only. At follow-up, 7 of 8 completed suicides belonged to this subgroup. Findings indicate that, regardless of psychiatric diagnosis, […]

The Clinical Use of Human Figure Drawings in the Evaluation of Suicidal Potential

The use of the Draw a Person Test in assessing suicide potential is discussed. (NBB)

A Study of Selected Style And Content Variables in The Drawings of Depressed And Nondepressed Adults (Micro RC 537 D38 1985)

The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in the drawings of depressed & non-depressed patients in a VA Hospital in Arizona who were high & low scorers on the BDI. A discrimant function analysis of variables did not discriminate between the drawings of either group above a chance level; however, there was […]

Distraction by Emotional Stimuli: Use of a Stroop Task With Suicide Attempters

The performance on a modified Stroop task by patients who had recently attempted suicide by overdose was compared with that of hospital control patients & non-hospital members of a subject panel. All groups took longer to name colours of emotional words than neutral words. The extent of the disruption was greatest for the overdose subjects […]

Assessing Suicidal Potential by Time Perspective

The clinical assessment of the high risk suicidal person continues to be a major challenge for diagnosticians. Based on the parameter of time as a major differentiating variable, a semiprojective psychological technique–the Time Questionnaire(TQ)–has been developed. The present study reports findings elaborating & extending a pilot study using the TQ. The TQ consistently & significantly […]

Assessment of Psychological Tests Findings in Suicide Attempts

This study assesses the feasibility of traditional tests-the Rorschach, MMPI & SCT- in discriminating suicidal patients. From those who were depressed. A sample of 40 attempters ( 20 males, 20 females) were matched with a like number of male & female depressives, according to sex & age. The groups were compared on the basis of […]

Communication Deviances and Ego Defensive Organization of Suicide Attempters Adolescents

Deviant thought processes & resultant communication difficulties that appear to characterize suicidal adolescents were studied. 26 adolescent suicide attempters treated at a psychiatric clinic in Lisbon were assessed by clinical interview & projective tests, including the Rorschach & TAT in terms of ego developement & patterns of communication. Results indicated idiosyncratic use of words & […]

Children’s Anniversary Reactions to the Death of a Family Member

The authors state that if childhood responses to bereavement become pathological in adulthood, it is essential that these early responses are studied & strategies developed for prevention. In an attempt to determine where reactions become problematic, 18 children (aged 4-17) were interviewed. 3 typical case histories are examined and common findings are discussed. The authors […]

Pictorial Representation as Pointers to Suicidal Fantasies in School-Children: A Documentation of Pupils’s Work

This paper describes an experiment with school children to test the hypothesis that suicidal fantasies, in many & various forms, may be envisioned & represented repeatedly by children considered normal & well adjusted. Fifth grade children were asked to draw pictures illustrating the past & present of a boy figure, as well as pictoral representation […]

Time Perspective in Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Individuals

An individual’s perception of time is highly personalized & subjective. Assuming that time orientation may be related to views about living & dying, its measures may differentiate etween suicidal & nonsuicidal people. Six measures of time perception were administered to 2 groups. One contained 15 psychiatric Ss who had attempted suicide; the other had 14 […]

Attraction and Repulsion by Life and Death in Suicidal and in Normal Children

The authors examined the phenomenon of child suicide from the perspective of children’s attitudes toward life & death. Projective tests were carried out with heterogeneous samples of 52 suicidal & 58 normal children(aged 6-12). Parallel tests were conducted in 4 weeks. Multivariate analysis indicated suicidals, in contrast to normal children showed high repulsion to life […]

The Response of Children to Parental Suicidal Acts

Describes the acute responses of 30 children to a parent’s first known suicide attempt. Findings include the parents’ attempts to spare the child, the children’s desire to deny the suicide, indications of psychological trauma to the child, incorporation of the suicidal event into fantasy & imitation of the parent’s suicide by 9 children. Discussion centers […]

Themes of Interaction in Medical Students’ Rorschach Responses as Predictors of Midlife Health or Disease

This study examines the role of human relationships as a psychological factor in the development of cancer. Variations in approaches to human relationships were tested by Rorschach test in a cohort of healthy medical students. Profiles of future cancer victims resembled those who became mentally ill or committed suicide & differed from those who remained […]

An Attempt to Employ a Sentence Completion Test for the Detection of Psychiatric Patients With Suicidal Ideas

A New Experimental Approach to the Relationship Between Color-Shading and Suicide Attempts

Developed a color-shading technique to study the previously demonstrated relationship between Rorschach Test color-shading responses & suicide attempts. Of 17 matched pairs of hospitalized psychiatric patients (age range 19-47 yrs), those who had attempted suicide gave significantly more shading responses to chromatic cards than those who had no history of suicide attempts. Results suggest that […]

The Construction and Validation of a Death Anxiety Scale

Suicide Rating Scales

Reviews the development & current state of rating scales & other tests useful for predicting & preventing suicidal behaviour. Rating scales provide conceptual models & techniques for the study of suicide, however, there is no evidence that any single MMPI scale would identify persons as a suicide risk, but longitudinal studies of persons who display […]

Validity and Methodology in Projective Tests

A Study of Self Concept Among Suicide Attempters (Micro HV 6545 S445 1975)

Study to investigate the issue of self-concept among suicide attempters as related to the mode of suicide selected for the attempt, specifically, active mode and passive mode attempts. Subjects were administered the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, the Hand Test and the Draw-a-Person Test. (KB)

A Projective Study of Dynamic Factors in Attempted Suicide (Micro HV 6545 V63 1967)

Twenty male depressives who had made a previous suicide attempt and twenty male non-suicidal depressives, all in-patients, were compared with regard to the types of responses which they gave to projective cards having hostile, depressive and ambiguous stimulus values. In addtion five subscales of the MMPI, one subscale from the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule and […]

Attempted Suicide and Aggression: A Study of Suicide Attempters (Micro RC 569 W38 1974)

Study to explore the psychodynamics of people who have attempted suicide focusing on the relationship between personality types among suicide attempters and the aggressive responses of these people when experiencing frustration. Additional focus is placed on a similar comparison between suicide attempters and non-attempters. (KB)