Self-Injurious Behavior and Attempted Suicide in Purging Bulimia Nervosa: Associations With Psychiatric Comorbidity

This study investigated the Axis I & II comorbidity in 95 Italian subjects with bulimia nervosa who reported self-injurious behaviours &/or suicide attempts. No Axis I diagnosis was associated with any type of self-injurious behaviour whereas social phobia & bipolar disorder were linked to attempted suicide. The presence of a Cluster B personality disorder & […]

A Comparison of Alcohol-induced and Independent Depression in Alcoholics With Histories of Suicide Attempts

Variations in the Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders and Social Problems Across Canadian Provinces


Origins of Disease Phobia


The Basis of Fear and Anger (IN: The Primal Scream, by A Janov)

This chapter explores the nature of human fear & anger according to a ‘Primal’ psychological perspective. As part of this exploration, the author undertakes a ‘Primal’ understanding of suicide, which he argues is attempted when all the ways an individual has tried to end his or her pain have been unsuccessful. The benefits of Primal […]

The Cross-National Epidemiology of Social Phobia: a Preliminary Report

The authors present a preliminary report on cross-national rates, age at onset, comorbidity, suicide attempts, & symptom profiles of social phobia, based on data gathered from epidemiological community surveys using similar methods from the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico & Korea. They report that the presence of social phobia increases the risk of suicide attempts […]

An 8-Year Longitudinal Comparison of Clinical Course and Characteristics of Social Phobia Among men and Women

Data from an 8-year longitudinal study were analyzed to investigate the course of social phobia & to explore potential sex differences in the course & characteristics of the illness. Only 38% of women & 32% of men experienced a complete remission during the 8-year study period. Social phobia had a more chronic course among women […]

Diagnostic Outcome of Adolescent Self-Reported Suicidal Ideation at 8-Year Follow-up

Data from an epidemiological study were used to examine self-reported suicidal ideation in adolescence as a predictor of suicidal ideation & psychiatric diagnoses at 8-year follow-up. Suicidal ideation was reported by 41 of 912 adolescents aged 11-18 & by 19 of 795 young adults aged 19-26. Most parents of adolescents with positive self-report did not […]

Suicidal Ideation in an Adolescent Clinical Sample: Attachment Patterns and Clinical Implications

This study investigated the relationship between attachment patterns & suicidal ideation in a clinical sample of 116 adolescents. Participants were assessed on level of current ideation through self-report questionnaires. Lethality of methods contemplated was also rated on a subset of 16 youth. Categorical analyses indicated that youth with predominantly fearful or preoccupied attachment were more […]

The Role of Trauma and Dissociation in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy Outcome and Maintenance for Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia

This investigation examined the relationships between traumatic experiences & dissociation with pretreatment psychopathology and rates of recovery, relapse & maintenance for patients receiving cognitive-behavioral treatments for panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA). 89 subjects were surveyed. Suicide-related statistics of the subjects are given. It was found that trauma-related variables (e.g. type of trauma) were predictive of […]

The Epidemiology of Social Phobia: Findings From the Duke Epidemiological Catchment Area Study

This study in North Carolina found that social phobia had an early onset, lasted a long time, rarely recovered, was often missed in medical consultation & was associated with an increased rate of suicide attempts, antisocial behavior, impaired medical health, increased health-seeking behavior, poor employment performance, reduced social interaction & impaired social support. It examined […]

Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts in Panic Disorder and Social Phobia

This article reports on a study of 106 patients with panic disorder & 41 patients with social phobia in a clinical setting. Based on earlier findings, some researchers had argued that there is an acute suicidal risk associated with panic disorder while others countered that most attempts were in the past and/or in the context […]

Palliative Care and Euthanasia: a Continuum of Care?

The attitudes toward euthanasia of 18 persons with AIDS & 17 individuals involved with euthanasia or the assisted suicide of a person with AIDS were examined. 83% of the people with AIDS reported considering suicide. The difficulty of killing someone quickly & painlessly is illustrated in 3 case examples. The author concludes that patients who […]

Fear of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome and Fear of Other Illnesses in Suicide

This article reports on a study of all suicides in Finland during 1987-88 using psychological autopsy. Suicide victims with fear of AIDS were compared for psychosocial & health-related characteristics, triggers, & content of fear, to those with a fear of somatic illness & with other suicides. Both fear-of-illness groups had more depression, more psychotic disorders […]

Fears of Death in Suicidal and Nonsuicidal Adolescents

Suicidal, psychiatric & normal adolescents participated in a study on 5 types of death fears. Relative to the other groups, suicidal adolescents displayed little differentiation between facets of fear, with differences in the magnitude of fear limited to the intrapersonal facets. Fear was positively correlated with suicidality in normal subjects, negatively correlated with suicidality among […]

Panic Disorder and Suicidal Ideation

These two letters to the editor raise a number of issues about a previous study on panic disorder & suicidal ideation conducted by Beck et al. The authors of the first letter dispute Beck’s conclusion that an association between panic disorder & suicide attempts (found by other researchers) was an anomaly. The authors of the […]

School Phobia and Suicidal Depression

This article describes the effects of school phobia. Children who have this disorder may manifest their anxieties as psychosomatic illness, nervous breakdowns, or suicidal depression. It may be precipitated by trauma or negative factors within the school. Factors within the school system which contribute to this phobia are discussed. The author concludes that those who […]

The Outcome of Neurotic Disorders After Out-Patient & Day Hospital Care

Near Fatal Laetrile Intoxication: Complete Recovery with Supportive Treatment

The authors report an 18-yr-old man, a follower of the “nutritional and metabolic antineoplastic diet”, who developed near fatal laetrile intoxication following the ingestion of laetrile. After a clinical course marked by pulmonary edema and metabolic acidosis, he recovered completely with intensive supportive treatment. (10 refs.)

The Family Cocoon: Psychoanalytic Treatment of Two Phobic Cases

The article presents the case histories of 2 women which illustrate how retreat to the outlived family cocoon can cripple an individual emotionally–in these 2 cases causing suicidal actions & fear of driving, respectively. A vicious circle of jealous rage against an immediate family member, followed by guilt over the jealous hostility, then self-punishment, is […]

Art Therapy With a 12-Year old Girl who Witnessed Suicide and Developed School Phobia

A month before refusing to attend school the patient had witnessed a suicide. The presenting symptom of the patient was severe school phobia but other factors were later brought to light. The dynamic factors in the patient’s present psychological constellation & her life situation which underlie the illness as well as the choice of symptom, […]

Psychodynamic Relationships: Suicide and Flying Phobia

This paper combines psychoanalytic and existential dynamics in an effort to establish a base for the study of flight phobia. It is hypothesized that flight phobia interweaves with suicidal movement. A procedure is outlined for assessment of suicidal risk which is applicable in method and content to assesssment of flight risk in phobia.

The Relationship of Cancer to Suicide