Evening chronotype and suicide: Exploring neuroinflammation and psychopathological dimensions as possible bridging factors–a narrative review

A chronotype is generally defined as the variability of the phase angle of entrainment, while the latter reflects the relationship between the timing of a certain rhythm (e.g., the sleep–wake cycle) and the timing of an external temporal cue. Individuals can be placed on a spectrum from “morning types” (M types) to “evening types” (E […]

Targeting suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder with MRI-navigated Stanford accelerated intelligent neuromodulation therapy

High suicide risk represents a serious problem in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD), yet treatment options that could safely and rapidly ameliorate suicidal ideation remain elusive. Here, we tested the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of the Stanford Accelerated Intelligent Neuromodulation Therapy (SAINT) in reducing suicidal ideation in patients with MDD. Thirty-two MDD patients with […]

Embers of the past: Early childhood traumas interact with variation in the P2RX7 gene implicated in neuroinflammation on markers of current suicide risk

Both early childhood traumatic experiences and current stress increase the risk of suicidal behaviour, in which immune activation might play a role. Previous research suggests an association between mood disorders and P2RX7 gene encoding P2X7 receptors, which stimulate neuroinflammation. We investigated the effect of P2RX7 variation in interaction with early childhood adversities and traumas and recent stressors on lifetime […]

Vitamin D in depression: A potential bioactive agent to reduce suicide and suicide attempt risk

Suicide is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year, more than 700 thousand people die from this cause. Therefore, suicide is a public health issue. The complex interaction between different factors causes suicide; however, depression is one of the most frequent factors in people who […]