Have restrictions on human mobility impacted suicide rates during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan?

During the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan, various measures have been implemented to prevent the spread of infection, including restrictions on human mobility. A dynamic fluctuation in the number of suicides has been observed during this period. The question is whether the increase/decrease in suicides during the pandemic is related to changes in human mobility. To […]

Differences in suicide risk correlates and history of suicide ideation and attempts as a function of disability type

Background Disability status is associated with correlates of suicide risk (perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, negative future disposition, felt stigma, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts). Aims This study aimed to examine whether suicide-related correlates differ significantly as a function of disability type. Methods Individuals with mobility and vision disabilities (N = 102) completed semistructured interviews and online-based questionnaires. […]

Suicides of the marginalised: Cultural approaches to suicide, minorities and rationality

Suicides among marginalised groups are one of the few occasions in which self-harm and suicide are framed as having cultural, social, environmental, historical or structural causes. Suicidology, psychology and public discourse typically understand suicide causality to be grounded in individualised psychic pain and pathology, disavowing the social, cultural, environmental and linguistic contexts. However, public discourse […]

Schizophrenia, an illness with bad outcomes: myth or reality?

OBJECTIVE: Different myths about schizophrenia endorsed by clinicians maintain the pessimism about outcome thus reducing chances of improvement. There are no recent North American studies on the long-term outcome of first-episode schizophrenia to clarify if these beliefs are myths or reality. Our study describes the long-term outcome (10 to 16 years) of a first-episode schizophrenia […]

Frequent Change of Residence and Risk of Attempted and Completed Suicide Among Children and Adolescents

This study evaluated the influence of frequent change of residence on attempted & completed suicide among children & adolescents. Data from Danish longitudinal population registries identified 4160 suicide attempts among children born from 1978-1995 & 79 suicides at ages 11-17 years. A significantly increased risk of attempted suicide was associated with changes of residence & […]

Preventing Adolescent Suicide: an Introduction

This presentation provided an introduction to the topic of adolescent suicide. The causes of adolescent suicide were discussed, including family dysfunction & environmental pressures. The author asserts that knowledge about suicide is the most effective prevention tool & so reviews myths about suicide & the profile of a suicidal or potentially suicidal youth. The presentation […]

Stepfather Families and the Emotional Well-Being of Adolescents

Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, this study investigated adolescent depressive symptoms & suicide ideation in stepfather families, paying attention to variation in pathways of stepfamily formation. Multiple theoretical explanations for the effects of family structure on adolescent emotional well-being were tested. In a model including only family structure & control […]

The Significance of the Social Mobility and Migratory Movements for Suicides in SR Macedonia/Yugoslavia

The presenter discussed the effects of social mobility & internal migration on suicide in SR Macedonia after World War II. In just over 20 years, from 1948 to 1971, the population structure changed from being mostly rural to being just over 50% urban. However, suicide still occurred most frequently in the rural population. Overall, results […]

Hispanic Suicide in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Examining the Effects of Immigration, Assimilation, Affluence, and Disadvantage

This study examined the structural correlates of Hispanic suicide at the metropolitan level using Mortality Multiple Cause-of-Death Records & 2000 census data. Competing hypotheses regarding the effects of immigration, assimilation, affluence, economic disadvantage, & ethnic inequality were tested. Findings point to multiple forces & complex relationships among social structure, culture, & Hispanic suicide. Findings also […]

Childhood Residential Mobility and Multiple Health Risks During Adolescence and Adulthood: the Hidden Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences

The relationship of childhood residential mobility to health problems during adolescence & adulthood was examined. How much these apparent relationships may result from underlying adverse childhood experiences was determined. A retrospective cohort study of 8116 adults was conducted. After adjustment for demographic variables, the risk of high residential mobility during childhood was 1.7 to 3.1-fold […]

Suicide Risk in Small Areas in England and Wales, 1991-1993

Negative binominal regression was used to assess age- & gender-specific suicide ratios for a range of census-driven indicators of the social, health, & economic characteristics of small areas (mean population aged 15+: 4500) in England & Wales. Indicators of social fragmentation, for example proportion of people living alone or population mobility, were most consistently associated […]

Place of Birth and Suicide in Hungary: is There a Regional Subculture of Self-Destruction?

The author examines the hypothesis that cultural differences account for the disparity in suicide rates across Hungary by looking at the longer-term impact of region of birth, controlling for current place of residence. Conducting a case-control study, the author found that those born in the Southeast of Hungary but moving to another region later in […]

Suicide in London: an Ecological Study

Religious Homogeneity and Metropolitan Suicide Rates

The authors extend research on the relationship between religious factors & aggregate suicide rates by focusing on religious homigeneity, using 1980 data on 296 standard metropolitan statistical areas. As hypothesized, religious homogeneity was inversely associated with suicide rates, & its estimate effects were greater than those of other religious variables that are widely used in […]

Life Events in Suicide: Psychological Autopsy Study at 10 Year Interval

Published in “Suicide Risk & Protective Factors in the New Millennium,” ed. by O T Grad

An Unmatched Case-Control Study of Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempts in Houston, Texas: Research Methods and Measurements

This article details the research methods & measurements used in conducting a population-based, case-control study of nearly lethal suicide attempts among persons aged 13-34 years, residing in Houston Texas between November 1992 & July 1995, in order to extend the authors’ understanding of suicidal behavior & prevention strategies. The authors discuss the overall strengths & […]

The Influence of Geographic Mobility on Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempts

The authors conducted a population-based, case-control study of nearly lethal suicide attempts, in which participants were asked about changing residence over the past 12 months. Results indicate that moving in the past 12 months is positively associated with a nearly lethal suicide attempt, as are specific characteristics of the move (e.g. frequency, recency, distance, & […]

Studying Survivors of Nearly Lethal Suicide Attempts: an Important Strategy in Suicide Research

This commentary highlights recent research into nearly lethal suicide attempts. The author also discusses specific findings of the CDC study concerning this phenomenon, & the relationship of these findings to existing knowledge. He goes on to discuss the future potential for this research approach & further questions that might be addressed by it. (44 refs)

Psychache in Context: States’ Spending for Public Welfare and Their Suicide Rates

The relationship between states’ spending for public welfare & their suicide rates over a 30-year period, from 1960, 1970, 1980, 1985 & 1990, was analyzed. In 1985 & 1990, the 2 variables that were important for interstate differences in suicide rates were spending for public welfare & ethnicity. In 1990, not only were suicide rates […]

Schools and Military Crises (IN: What Will we do? Preparing a School Community to Cope With Crises, ed. by R G Stevenson)

This chapter offers guidelines for helping children during a military crisis with focus on military children. Adjustment problems, preparatory activities & interventions after departure are discussed. Military children are routinely faced with many losses. But during war & absence of a parent/family member on assignment, additional reactions to emerge may include: physical symptoms, feelings of […]

The Epidemiology of Parasuicide in Sor-Trondelag, Norway 1989 – 1991 (IN: Attempted Suicide in Europe: Findings From the Multicentre Study on Parasuicide…, edited by A J F M Kerkhof et al)

This chapter presents parasuicide (PS) data for a 3-year period. 25 items common to the WHO/EURO study plus 21 social & clinical variables selected for this area of Norway were monitored. 964 persons were involved in 1253 PS events (58% females, 42% males). Male rates were virtually unchanged in the 3-year period, female rates were […]

The Epidemiology of Attempted Suicide in the Area of Leiden, The Netherlands 1989 – 1992 (IN: Attempted Suicide in Europe: Findings From the Multicentre Study…, ed. by A J F M Kerkhof et al)

This chapter reports on attempts treated & registered by general practitioners, general hospitals & psychiatric hospitals. While this resulted in some double counting a noteworthy finding was that 28% of all attempts were reported exclusively to general practitioners. Also, persons treated in a hospital were significantly more often repeaters. The estimated incidence of parasuicide in […]

Attempted Suicide in Bern, Switzerland 1989 and 1990 (IN: Attempted Suicide in Europe: Findings From the Multicentre Study on Parasuicide…, edited by A J F M Kerkhof et al)

This chapter reports data for 2 years noting a 1990 decrease. Other sources confirmed a true drop in the numbers of attempters. During the 24 months a total of 666 attempts were recorded involving 629 persons. The data is estimated to represent 90% of all suicides reported to medical institutions. Attempters rarely turn to general […]