Medicine wheel evaluation framework

This guide is intended to introduce the reader to the Medicine Wheel, outlining its history and uses, and to show how the Medicine Wheel can be used as an evaluation framework. We know that this framework is not appropriate for every organization or every project, but we do hope that its use will enable some […]

Allying with the medicine wheel: Social work practice with Aboriginal peoples.

This article uses a Medicine Wheel model, a structural social work framework and an anti-oppression stance, to practice culturally sensitive social work with Aboriginal peoples. The Medicine Wheel model is appropriate when working with many Aboriginal peoples because it considers spirituality important to healing. Using the Medicine Wheel guides the social worker to holistic, balanced […]

The wellness wheel: An Aboriginal contribution to social work.

This contribution to the helping professions focuses on social intervention with the individual. It stems from an Aboriginal philosophy of life which promotes health and wellness through a ‘fully ecological’ and holistic approach based on the Medicine Wheel. Contact us for a copy of this article, or view online at