Suicide risk, alcohol consumption and attitudes towards psychological help-seeking among Lithuanian general population men, conscripts and regular active duty soldiers

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between suicide risk, alcohol consumption, and attitudes towards professional psychological help among Lithuanian general population men, conscripts, and regular active duty (AD) soldiers. In total, 1195 Lithuanian adult males participated in the study: 445 men from the general population, 490 conscripts, and 260 regular AD […]

Factors associated with suicide ideation in Lithuania and Poland amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on many risk and protective factors associated with suicide. Aims: The aim of this study was to identify pandemic-related factors associated with suicidal ideation in the two European countries, Lithuania and Poland, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: The sample comprised 2,459 participants in both countries; 57.2% of the respondents were female. The Mage of the […]

Attitudes Towards Suicide Among Regional Politicians in Lithuania, Austria, Hungary, Norway and Sweden

This study compared attitudes towards suicide among regional politicians in Austria, Hungary, Lithuania, Norway, & Sweden. The Attitudes Towards Suicide questionnaire was used. Results indicated the acceptance of suicide was higher among Lithuanian, Hungarian, & Austrian politicians (high suicide rate, no national prevention strategies) than among Norwegian & Swedish politicians (relatively low suicide rates, national […]

County Council Politicians’ Attitudes Toward Suicide and Suicide Prevention. a Qualitative Cross-Cultural Study


Epidemic of Suicide by Hanging in Lithuania: Does Socio-Demographic Status Matter?

Suicide by hanging, compared with other methods, was analysed by demographic & selected social factors in Lithuania. Changes during 1993-1997 & 1998-2002 were evaluated. Over the study period, hanging, in proportion to all other methods, increased statistically significantly among men & women. The most noticeable increase was among females, age 10-19 years. Hanging predominated in […]

Mortality From External Causes in Lithuania: Looking for Critical Points in Time and Place

A study was undertaken to analyse trends in mortality from major external causes of death, & to detect urban/rural differences by cut points over the period of socioeconomic transition in Lithuanaia. Information on deaths for 1990-2000 was obtained. The Jointpoint analysis was used to identify best-fitting points wherever a statistically significant change in mortality occurred. […]

Prognosis of Risk Factors and Trends in Mortality From External Causes Among Middle-Aged men in Lithuania

The aims of this study were to investigate the risk of death & time trends from external causes & to evaluate the significance of the effects of age, period, & birth cohort on suicide mortality among middle-aged men during 1971-2000 in Lithuania. Over this time, 2841 men died; 21 by suicide. Of all the variables […]

Suicide Prevention Programme 2003-2005

This document outlines the Government of Lithuania’s national strategy for suicide prevention. The epidemiology of suicide in Lithuania is described as is the link between this strategy & other health programmes. The short- & long-term goals of the strategy are listed in point form.

Seasonal Patterns of Suicides Over the Period of Socio-economic Transition in Lithuania

Lithuania Mental Health Country Profile

Mental health policies & services were assessed in the Republic of Lithuania. Analysis of contextual factors revealed high levels of social pathology, including suicide & other self-destructive behaviours, with stigmatizing approaches by the general population to mentally disturbed persons & other vulnerable groups. A national suicide prevention strategy was still awaiting government approval in 2004. […]

Changes of Labelling of Suicidal Behavior in Media Reports in Lithuania 1994 and 1996

Published in “The Suicidal Process: Challenges for Treatment and Prevention”

Suicidal Behaviour in Adolescents of Lithuania

Published in “The Suicidal Process: Challenges for Treatment and Prevention”

Suicidal Attempts in Children and Adolescents: the Experience of Vilnius Child Development Centre

Published in “The Suicidal Process: Challenges for Treatment and Prevention”

Sociodemographic Characteristic of the Woman who had Attempted Suicide by Poisoning

Published in “The Suicidal Process: Challenges for Treatment and Prevention”

Suicidal Tendencies and Attitude Towards Freedom to Choose Suicide Among Lithuanian Schoolchildren: Results From Three Cross-sectional Studies in 1994, 1998, and 2002

Suicide-homicide Temporal Interrelationship, Links With Other Fatalities, and Environmental Physical Activity


Suicide and Homicide: Durkheim’s and Henry and Short’s Theories Tested on Data From the Baltic States

The three Baltic States – Estonia, Latvia & Lithuania – were studied in two sociopolitically divergent periods, 1970-1984 & 1985-1998. Results of the study supported the hypothesis that suicide & homicide rates are affected by sociopolitical & economic conditions. Findings are examined using Durkheim’s & Henry & Short’s theories. (31 refs)

Inequalities in Daily Variations of Deaths From Suicide in Lithuania: Identification of Possible Risk Factors


Suicide in Lithuania During the Years of 1990 to 2002

The present report presents the most current data available on suicide rates in Lithuania, & offers some factors that may be contributing to the rise of suicide rates there. (22 refs)

Socio-Economic Transition, Inequality, and Mortality in Lithuania

This study assessed increases in inequalities in mortality of Lithuanian urban & rural populations throughout the period of socio-economic transition (1990-2000). Suicide is given particular attention, with Lithuania charting the highest rates in the world. Suicides followed a similar trend in rural & urban areas, increasing significantly throughout this period, especially among rural males. Throughout […]

Changes in Patterns of Suicidal Behaviour in Lithuania 1994-1998

Published in “Suicide Risk & Protective Factors in the New Millennium,” ed. by O T Grad

Cosmic Rays Activity and Monthly Number of Deaths: a Correlative Study

This study examined the relation between the intensity of cosmic rays, the level of solar/geomagnetic activity, & the monthly numbers of deaths in a large hospital in Israel & in all Lithuania. Deaths due to suicide were included, as were deaths due to natural causes. Statistical analyses indicated that cosmic ray intensity correlation with monthly […]

Distribution of Monthly Deaths, Solar & Geomagnetic Activity: Their Interrelationship in the Last Decade of the Second Millennium: the Lithuanian Study 1990-1999

In this study, the authors sought links between 1) circannual rhythmicity, solar activity (SA) – sunspot number, solar radioflux & geomagnetic activity (GMA) – Ap., Cp., Am. with monthly number of deaths, looking for environmental influence on mortality at the end of the second millennium. There was a stong inverse monthly deaths correlation between IHD […]