Preventing Suicide in French Prisons

This paper shows that preventing suicide risk in French prison regulations is thwarted in 2 prisons by professional criteria regarding credibility & solidarity, as well as by the balance of power between prisoners & guards, in addition to the realization, on the part of judges responsible for sentencing, of the risk posed by recidivists. The […]

Outcomes Following Appeal and Reversal of Civil Commitment

The authors tested whether adjudicated decisions over whether to uphold or rescind the detention of psychiatric patients had implications in subsequent patient morbidity. Consecutive patients applying to the Consent & Capacity Board in Ontario between January 2001-March 2007 were identified. A total of 3498 decisions were rendered for 2321 unique patients. Approximately 18% of involuntary […]

Suicide by cop: Issues in Outcome and Analysis (In: Suicide and Law Enforcement, edited by D C Sheehan & J I Warren)

The authors, a forensic psychiatrist & an assistant city attorney, present findings from their work in suicide-by-cop cases. The following areas are discussed: incident nomenclature & definition; decedent profiles & incident characteristics; psychological sequelae experienced by officers & law enforcement agencies; law enforcement training; & issues arising in subsequent litigation. JA

Suicide-Related Litigation in Jails and Prisons: Risk Management Strategies


Notifying Parents Following a College Student Suicide Attempt: a Review of Case law and FERPA, and Recommendations for Practice

Decisions by university officials not to notify a student’s parents following a suicide attempt on campus have been severely criticized by some observers. Although courts have not imposed a parental notice requirement, the practice is advantageous to students in many situations. The author recommends a system of notification that relies primarily upon nonmedical student affairs […]

Suicide Statistics for the UK and the National Suicide Prevention Strategy (In: Suicide: Strategies and Interventions for Reduction and Prevention, ed. by S Palmer)


Malpractice Liability in Suicide

This article discusses malpractice liability in the United States as it pertains to clinicians working with suicidal patients. The discussion is interspersed with information from judicial rulings. Strategies to avoid malpractice suits are outlined. (8 refs.)

Avoiding Malpractice Lawsuits by Following Risk Assessment and Suicide Prevention Guidelines

This article reviews several American cases in which psychiatrists &/or social workers failed to protect patients. This includes failure to conduct a comprehensive biopsychosocial & lethality assessment, failure to warn of imminent risk of suicide, &/or breach of duty to care standards. Each case presentation concludes with recommendations for actions. Next, the article identifies common […]

Suicide Following Arrest and Lockup

This article focuses on suicide in jails following arrest & lockup. The paper begins with a description of suicide patterns in jails & prisons, followed by a discussion of the experience of arrest & incarceration. Other topics discussed include: negligence, deliberate indifference, punishment, & foreseeability; case law from the United States; & recomendations related to […]

Responsibility and Liability in Cases of Suicide by Patient in Hospital Premises

This article examines the responsibility & liability of hospital managers in the event of patient suicide. In light of the increasing incidence of suicides in hospital premises in India, the author discusses this situation at length. A few cases are presented with the aim of creating a debate on this issue. (7 refs.)

University Policy and Procedural Responses to Students at Risk of Suicide (Paper No.35)

This paper focuses on the current procedural protections in university policies handling students at risk of suicide. It is argued suicide ideation or attempt should not be treated as if the student has committed a disciplinary infraction but should be treated as a mental health issue. However, the use of disciplinary proceedings as a last […]

Guns in the Home: a High Risk

This article provides information for physicians on firearm deaths in Quebec. Risk factors for firearm homicide or suicide are listed as are questions to ask about the availability of guns when there is suspicion of suicide or homicide risk. There is brief discussion of intervention, confidentiality, & judicial rulings.

Suicide by Cop

This article examines judicial rulings related to incidents of suicide-by-cop in the United States.

Legal Issues of Psychiatric Malpractice in Suicide Cases


Liability When Patients die After Treatment: how to Manage Requests for Pain Medication and Post-Discharge Suicide Risks

This article briefly discusses judicial rulings in two American cases where psychiatric patients died after treatment. In one case, the patient’s estate claimed the psychiatrist was negligent in discharging the patient from hospital without a post-discharge recovery plan. However, it was shown that such a plan was in place & the jury found for the […]

Liability in Patient Suicide

This article reviews three cases from the United States in which clinicians were sued for malpractice after the suicide or attempted suicide of a patient. In all three cases, the jury found for the defense. The author notes 4 things plaintiffs must show to win a malpractice claim: duty to care, negligence, harm, & causation. […]

How to Avoid ‘Foreseeable’ Harm

Two American legal cases in which one patient died by suicide & another was the victim of homicide are reviewed in this article. In the case of suicide, the patient’s estate charged the psychiatrist was negligent & did not adequately evaluate or treat the patient when he was seen three years prior to his death. […]

Tales of Death: Storytelling in the Physician-Assisted Suicide Litigation

The author states with regard to physician-assisted suicide, proponents are most likely to get what they want by presenting compelling stories of dying patients asking their physicians for means to avoid the seemingly meaningless pain & indignity of terminal illness. These stories directly implicate statutes against assisted suicide. These laws, & the stories for & […]

Book Review-From Sin to Insanity: Suicide in Early Modern Europe by J R Watt

Please see SIEC #2007-0117 for the reference to Watt’s book.

Prisoner Rights and Suicide

Suicides and Accident Insurance: the Court of Appeal Issues a Ruling

This article discusses a case in which the Quebec Court of Appeal was called upon to decide whether or not an insurer who issued an accident insurance policy could refuse a claim following a suicide which occurred more than two years after the coming into effect of the policy.

Dealing With Suicide Occurring Within two Years of Reinstatement of a Life Insurance Policy

This article briefly reviews two rulings by the Quebec Superior Court dealing with the suicide of an insured party less than two years after reinstatement of the insured’s policy. Contradictory judgments were rendered.

College Student Suicide: a Call to Action

The nature & extent of suicide among American college students is examined in this article. Risk & protective factors are discussed as are responses to suicide in this population, legal issues & training issues. The importance of college student suicide & its prevention is emphasized as is the importance of protective factors. (68 refs.)