Transgenerational concordance in parent-to-child transmission of suicidal behaviour: A retrospective, nationwide, register-based cohort study of 4419642 individuals in Denmark

Background Suicidal behaviour runs in families, but the nature of transgenerational concordance needs elucidation. The aim of this study was to examine parent-to-child transmission by investigating whether presence and nature of parental suicidal behaviour was associated with suicidal behaviour in children. Methods We did a retrospective, nationwide, register-based cohort study in Demark using register data. […]

Intergenerational transmission of suicide attempt in a cohort of 4.4 million children

BackgroundThe association between suicide attempts (SAs) in parents and children is unclear, and risk indicators for intergenerational transmission remain undocumented. We aimed to assess this association, considering the child’s developmental period at the time of parents’ attempted suicide, and the parental relation. Methods. Using a prospective cohort design, nationwide population data were linked to the […]

“Togetherness:” The role of intergenerational and cultural engagement in urban American Indian and Alaskan Native youth suicide prevention

In a collaborative study with an Urban Indian Health Organization (UIHO) and a University, we conducted six talking circles over three years with American Indian and Alaskan Native (AI/AN) elders, adults, and youth to examine perceptions of suicide and suicide prevention strategies within their community. Results of a thematic analysis indicated that normalization of suicide, […]

Suicide and intergenerational transmission of trauma.

The effects of unresolved trauma can be carried across generations through different pathways. The psychological, social and physiological levels (including changes at the epigenetic level) are always interacting. This workshop will concentrate on the psychological level, with a focus on how individual development, conjugal relationships and family dynamics can be burdened by the consequences of […]

Intergenerational trauma: Convergence of multiple processes among First Nations people in Canada.

Given the lengthy and traumatic history of stressors experienced by Aboriginal peoples, it might be expected that such intergenerational effects may be particularly notable. In the present review we outline some of the behavioural disturbances associated with stressful/traumatic experiences (e.g., depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse disorder), and describe the influence of several […]

Maternal exposure to childhood trauma is associated during pregnancy with placental-fetal stress physiology.

The effects of exposure to childhood trauma (CT) may be transmitted across generations; however, the time period(s) and mechanism(s) have yet to be clarified. We address the hypothesis that intergenerational transmission may begin during intrauterine life via the effect of maternal CT exposure on placental-fetal stress physiology, specifically placental corticotropin-releasing hormone (pCRH). The study was […]

Intergenerational suicide and family dynamics: A hermeneutic phenomenological case study.

A phenomenological case study of a family in which the father committed suicide following incarceration and an adult daughter also committed suicide years later is described. This study used an embedded design to triangulate multiple sources of data (family documents and interviews with survivors) within the study of a single family. Four themes emerged to […]

Unearthing the construct of transgenerational grief: The “ghost” of the sibling never known.


The grief that dare not speak its name: Part 1: Dealing with the ravages of childhood abuse.

Largely unrecognized is the necessity and value of grieving for other kinds of losses besides those associated with actual death. A common denominator for adult survivors of childhood abuse and neglect are less tangible, but nonetheless significant losses of hope, of innocence, of love and of joy. For adult survivors, the losses that accompany child […]

The grief that dare not speak its name: Part II: Dealing with the ravages of childhood abuse.

Adults who were maltreated as children carry around with them the impact of delayed, unresolved, “stigmatized” loss (Sprang & McNeil, 1995). According to the descriptions of stigmatized grief, the incidents giving rise to the loss happen suddenly, are associated with violence, result in others fearing contagion and blaming the victim and result in victims believing […]

The grief that dare not speak its name: Part III: Dealing with the ravages of childhood abuse.

Ochberg (1988) has talked about some of the necessary tasks required to complete the process of grieving. Mourners must be able to express their emotions, understand the meaning of the lost person or object, be able to surface and work through the ambivalence in the relationship, all of which will eventually free them up to […]

The intergenerational transmission of historic trauma and grief.

This paper proposes a model for studying the intergenerational transmission of historic trauma and grief, and examines the implications for individual and community healing in a contemporary context. It is based on a longer study prepared by the author in 2004 for the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, a body established and funded by the Government of […]

Intervention to address intergenerational trauma: overcoming, resisting and preventing structural violence.


The lost children.

Series: The Sharing Circle. Season 12, Show 4.

Intergenerational trauma and healing.

This presentation from the 2008 Aboriginal Justice Forum at UBC features Joe Solanto, PhD. Dr. Solanto explains how trauma works at a physiological level as well as the effects of colonization and transmission of trauma over generations. He shows how crime and other social problems are understandable responses to trauma and what the implications are […]

Looking across three generations of Alaska Natives to explore how culture fosters indigenous resilience.

This project, conducted in the summer of 2008 in an indigenous Arctic community, focuses on narratives from three generations who have experienced different degrees of cultural suppression in their lifetimes. From this starting point, the study explores how individuals make meaning and take strength from particular notions of culture, and illuminates the ways each generation […]

Historic trauma and aboriginal healing.


Aboriginal healing methods for residential school abuse and intergenerational effects: a review of the literature.

Residential school abuse and its intergenerational effects have created devastating impacts on entire Aboriginal communities. Much has been written about the history and experiences of Aboriginal people who attended residential schools, including the impacts on individuals, families, communities and nations. The purpose of this literature review was to examine the area of healing from residential […]

Residential schools: the intergenerational impacts on Aboriginal peoples.

Many authors, historians and researchers concur with the idea that residential schools have impacted generation after generation of Aboriginal Peoples in this country. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the federal government wanted Aboriginal peoples to abandon their traditional beliefs and adopt western-based values and religions. The investigation of the role and impacts […]

We were so far away: the Inuit experience of residential schools.


We were so far away = Nous etions si loin.
