A protective role of urban greenspace on the association between night-time heat and suicide in Seoul, South Korea

Suicide, a leading cause of death among the youth, has shown a positive association with high temperatures. However, few studies have explored the association between tropical nights and suicide and the potential role of greenness on this association. We investigated the association between suicide and two hot night indices: hot night duration (HNd) and hot […]

Extreme heat and suicide watch incidents among incarcerated men

Objective  To examine associations of extreme heat, solitary confinement, and an indicator of suicidal behaviors among incarcerated men in a Deep South US prison system. Design, Setting, and Participants  This longitudinal case series panel study included adult men in prisons in Louisiana, a state with one of the largest prison systems in the United States that has […]

Heat-related mortality in U.S. state and private prisons: A case-crossover analysis

Rising temperatures and heatwaves increase mortality. Many of the subpopulations most vulnerable to heat-related mortality are in prisons, facilities that may exacerbate temperature exposures. Yet, there is scare literature on the  impacts of heat among incarcerated populations. We analyzed data on mortality in U.S. state and private prisons from 2001–2019 linked to daily maximum temperature […]

Correlating heatwaves and relative humidity with suicide (fatal intentional self‑harm)

Empirical evidence suggests that the effects of anthropogenic climate change, and heat in particular, could have a significant impact on mental health. This article investigates the correlation between heatwaves and/or relative humidity and suicide (fatal intentional self-harm) on a global scale. The covariance between  heat/humidity and suicide was modelled using a negative binomial Poisson regression […]

Correlating heatwaves and relative humidity with suicide (fatal intentional self-harm)

Empirical evidence suggests that the effects of anthropogenic climate change, and heat in particular, could have a significant impact on mental health. This article investigates the correlation between heatwaves and/or relative humidity and suicide (fatal intentional self-harm) on a global scale. The covariance between heat/humidity and suicide was modelled using a negative binomial Poisson regression […]