The Classic Systems of Psychotherapy and Suicidal Behavior (IN: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention of Suicidal Behavior, edited by R I Yufit & D Lester)

This chapter describes various types of psychotherapy & their application with suicidal patients. Psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy, transactional analysis, behaviour therapy are discussed in detail while primal therapy, gestalt therapy, reality therapy, person-centered therapy, & existential therapy are briefly reviewed. (62 refs.)

Depression and the Will to Live in the Psychological Landscape of Terminally ill Patients (IN: The Case Against Assisted Suicide, ed. by K Foley & H Hendin)

This chapter attempts to outline some of the critical psychological considerations & the research literature that inform society’s current understanding of the difference between a wish to die, the waning of the will to live, & depression in patients nearing death.

A Suicidal Emergency

This article discusses the case of Anne, a woman with severe depression & suicidal ideation. The course of therapy is described in detail. (3 refs.)

Psychotherapy for Suicidal Clients (RC 569 L467 1991)

The aim of this book is to explore the following systems of psychotherapy & their use for dealing with suicidal clients: 1) psychoanalytic psychotherapy; 2) primal scream therapy; 3) transactional analysis; 4) Jungian analysis; 5) person-centered therapy; 6) Gestalt therapy; 7) cognitive therapy: 8) reality therapy; 9) behaviour therapy; & 10) existential therapy.

Billy and Joey: Thoughts and Feelings of Suicide

Psychotherapy for Suicidal Clients (IN: Treatment of Suicidal People, ed. by A. A. Leenaars)

Lester states that there are various issues that psychotherapists who treat suicidal clients need to consider. 2 of these issues are: 1) whether all of the systems of psychotherapy may be used safely with suicidal clients; & 2) is the therapeutic issue the client’s suicidal preoccupation or the problems underlying it. Lester reviews various types […]

Alternative Pathways to Healing: the Recovery Medicine Wheel

The Native American Indian medicine wheel is regarded as a powerful healing tool. This book explains the concept of the Recovery Medicine Wheel – learning how to live in harmony with yourself, with others, & with the earth. It also shows how to use the wheel in a journey to recovery. It can help adult […]

Interventions with Native Americans (IN: Preventing Adolescent Suicide, ed. by D Capuzzi and L Golden)

Native American adolescents are at high risk for suicide attempts & completions. This chapter discusses Native American suicide trends, treatment issues such as intentionality, self-report measures, diagnostic protocols & the use of the DSM-III; treatment approaches such as client roles, psychoanalytical & existential foundations, family & systems therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy & group therapy & implications […]

Psychotherapy and Psychomatic Medicine (RC 327 W664 7th 1983)

This volume is 4th in a series of 8 from the 7th World Congress of Psychiatry held in Vienna in 1983. Topics include new paradigms in psychotherapy; short-term psychotherapies; non-verbal aspects of psychiatry; family therapy; depression; mood & emotions; psychotherapy for the developing world; psychoanalytical hospital treatment; group psychotherapy; obsessive-compulsive disorder; relaxation & imaging; neurolinguistics; […]

Postvention for Bereaved Family Members: Some Therapeutic Possibilities

Notes that postvention is rarely studied. Simon (1985) recommends group therapy for catharsis. Related papers note the importance of guilt feelings. Battle (1984) recommends that care begin within 24 hours, with intensive psychotherapy only after 3 to 4 weeks. Orientation of therapy should be between psychodynamic & supportive, with cognitive, but not behavioural, approaches to […]

The Will to Live, the Will to Die (Micro HV 6545 G58 1974)

The purpose of this study was to provide a philosophical analysis of self-destructive behavior from an existential frame of reference. An examination of attitudes toward suicide throughout history revealed positions of total acceptance to rigid condemnation. The author sees suicide as an individual’s last exercise of the ultimate existential freedom, the freedom to live or […]

Adolescent Self-Mutilators

The self-mutilatory behavior of female adolescents in a correctional institution is described and an innovative treatment program, “Co-opting”, which is effective in eliminating this self-injurious behavior is discussed. “Co-opting” is based on an unusual conceptualization of self-injurious behavior and an unorthodox approach to patient management.

Psychotherapy With a Suicidal Client Dynamic Approach With Symptom Ignorance

This case history of a 37 year old male with an extensive history of psychiatric treatment illustrates the success of psychotherapy focusing on the positive dimensions of a patient’s personality. The therapist refused to become involved with his acting out behavior in everyday life, requiring only that he attend sessions regularly. This focus on here […]

A Critique of Binswanger’s Existential Analysis

Author Burstow critically examines Binswanger’s existential philosophy as it applies to schizophrenia. According to this interpretation, the individual has personal constructs through which experiences are filtered. As the individual matures, experiences may clash with this matrix: given loving support from others, he adapts. Lack of support threatens him & he may filter the experience to […]

The Use of Paradoxical Interventions Within a Prison Psychiatric Facility

Describes inmate personality characteristics & paradoxical techniques used in 4 interventions in a prison psychiatric facility. The cases of male inmates involved malingering, possible suicide, parental problem behaviors, & manipulation of the system. It is suggested that in selected cases, paradoxical strategies tap the client’s strengths, help avoid adversarial relationships & power struggles, & produce […]

Suicide and Self-Deception

The author postulates that suicide itself is not pathological, but that the self-deceptions used as premises for the death decision may be. The author asserts that the challenge for treatment professions is to distinguish “legitimate” from “illegitimate” suicides on the basis of whether or not such self-deceptions are posited to involve existential issues of self, […]

Morita Therapy and Suicide Prevention

The practice of Morita therapy with persons experiencing emotional difficulty, & the implications for suicide prevention are explained. Based on the premise that emotions are uncontrolled by mental effort, the therapy directs clients to build life on behaviour & on living with attention to each moment’s activity. Suicidal thoughts & impulses which can not be […]

Case Study: A Patient’s Art Work During Evaluation and the Initial Phase of Treatment

This case history of a 24 year old suicidal female, admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of psychotic depressive disorder, demonstrates the effectiveness of art as a therapy. The patient was able to reduce tension from aspects of her personality (hostility, sexuality, dependency, anxiety, suicidal ideation) that had previously overwhelmed her, by expressing these emotions […]

Treatment of the Suicidal Character

In certain patients, suicidality is not a symptom of another psychiatric disorder, but a central element of character structure. Treatment approaches that are effective in acute, symptomatic suicidal states may actually increase the long term suicide risk in such patients. Special treatment techniques are needed for patients with suicidal characterology.

The Case of Ellen West: An Anthropological-Clinical Study (IN: Existence, ed. by R May, E Angel and H F Ellenberger)

A detailed case description & the analyses of an European woman who committed suicide near the turn of the century are described. Excerpts from Ellen West’s diary are used to illustrate her obsession with food & her developing illness. Shortly after release from the Kreuzlingen Sanitorium, where she was seen by Kraepelin, Bleuler & others, […]

The Threat of Suicide in Psychotherapy

The possibility of suicide in severely depressed patients poses a threat both to the patient & to the therapist. The therapist’s fear of suicide is likely to result in overcautiousness. Consequently, the essential qualities of openness & availability tend to suffer. Threats of suicide may occur in the context of different life structures. The psychotherapist […]

Psychodynamic Relationships: Suicide and Flying Phobia

This paper combines psychoanalytic and existential dynamics in an effort to establish a base for the study of flight phobia. It is hypothesized that flight phobia interweaves with suicidal movement. A procedure is outlined for assessment of suicidal risk which is applicable in method and content to assesssment of flight risk in phobia.

Suicide Internalized: An Existential Sequestrum

Suicidal bereavement involves more than the personalized reaction to the death of another. The bereaved is also left with the cognitive & emotional dilemma of death as a chosen option for existence. This existential contradition creates enduring changes in cognitive & emotional perspective. The author reviews these changes and their therapeutic implications.