How do Durkheimian Variables Impact Variation in National Suicide Rates When Proxies for Depression and Alcoholism are Controlled?

Countries included in the present study were Belgium, Denmark, England/Wales, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, & the Netherlands.

Suicides of German Jews in the Third Reich

This article re-examines Jewish responses towards Nazi racism by studying suicides among German Jews. The author’s purpose is two-fold: first, asking what motivated these suicides & secondly, how far, if at all, Jewish suicides can be considered a form of resistance towards Nazism & to what extent they were acts of despair & hopelessness. (129 […]

Durkheim’s Precedence in the use of the Terms Egoistic and Altruistic Suicide: an Addendum


The Social Causes of Suicide: a Look at Durkheim’s “Le Suicide” one Hundred Years Later

Reflections are presented on Durkheim’s theory of suicide 100 years after it was first formulated. It is suggested that much of the research which purports to test Durkheim’s theory does not in fact do so, & suggestions are made as to how the theory might be tested. Research into whether there is a societal effect […]

Suicidal Behaviour Among the Netsilik Eskimos (IN: Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives, edited by B R Blishen, F E Jones, K D Naegele & J Porter)

Durkheim et le Suicide (Micro HV 6545 B375 1984).

The accuracy of Emile Durkheim’s classic sociological study, Le Suicide, is examined in light of contemporary knowledge. 121 pages. (NBB)

Native American Suicide: A Durkheimian Analysis

The professional literature and the author’s practice experience are used to develop practice and policy recommendations with regard to suicide among Native Americans. Culture sensitive psychological techniques should be applied together with community & social development.

Suicide and Creativity: The Case of Strindberg

The author discusses the mid-life change in personality of August Strindberg, a very prolific & versatile writer. Strindberg was often suicidal-according to Durkheim’s classification, an egoistic suicide. Hendin’s study of suicide in 3 Scandinavian countries concludes that Swedish suicide can be summarized as “performance” suicide, resulting from failure to achieve goals. A specific philosophical framework […]

Durkheim, Scandinavian Suicide, and Creativity

The causes of suicide are to be found in self-destructive tendencies, but also in the failure to cope with them. This paper applies Durkheim’s formulation to the suicidal tendency rather than to suicide itself. Hendin’s “Suicides & Scandinavia,” is used to update Durkheim, & 3 famous Scandinavian writers are utilized for illustration. The author proposes […]

Anomic and Egoistic Theoretical Factors of Contemplated Suicide Among Voluntary and Involuntary Retired Aged Males


Suicide Assessment: An Ego Vulnerabilities Approach

Suicide assessment is usually conducted by looking for ‘signs’ such as a Rorschach determinant or by looking for empirical similarities among persons who attempt suicide. Dr. Smith proposes an “ego vulnerabilities” approach, which connects suicide potential with various personality characteristics that act together to raise the risk of death. Three case examples illustrate the application […]

A Comparative Analysis of Durkheim’s Theory of Egoistic Suicide: A Comment*

The Breault-Barkey study demonstrating the linkage between religiosity & suicide is discussed in this article. While stating that this study is a significant sociological contribution to the study of suicide, the author disputes their use of Durkheim’s theory to explain the relationship between their particular religiosity indicator(religious book production) & suicide. Stack also discusses areas […]

The Effects of the Women’s Movement on Suicide Rates in San Francisco

This study utilizes data from a major study of changes in the trends of suicide rates among San Francisco residents from 1970-1974. Records from the Coroner’s Register of 1051 deaths considered unequivocal suicides were reviewed (58% male, 42% female). Analysis of this data indicated distinct changes among patterns of firearm & drug related suicides. Female […]

Blaming Suicides

“The harm which an act of suicide, whether completed or not, causes to other persons is seen as the primary basis for the attribution of blame.” The author discusses different types of suicide–aggressive, escapist, oblative, & Ludic suicide. Battin argues that although blame is appropriate in some cases, blame should not be reflected in social […]

The Ego Strength Scale as a Predictor of Ute Indian Suicide Risk

MMPI scores on the Depression & Ego Strength scales for a random sample of 30 17-59 year old Ute suicidal outpatients were correlated with the number of suicide attempts & the number of attempts made while drinking alcohol. Raw scores on the Ego Strength scale were significantly correlated with the number of suicide attempts. All […]

A Cross-Cultural Note on Durkheim’s Theory of Suicide

A formulation of Durkheim’s theory of suicide is tested using data from a sample of 55 societies covered by Human Relations Area Files. The model predicts suicide rates in 5 “pure” conditions but only in 1 “mixed” condition. In addition, the rates differ in each of the 4 pure extreme conditions. It is concluded that […]

A Comparitive Analysis of Durkheim’s Theory of Egoistic Suicide

This paper reports a comparative cross-national test of Durkheim’s theory of egoistic suicide, involving indicators of religious, family & political integration. Together thesse indicators explain about 76 percent of the variation in the international rates of suicide.

Durkheim’s Suicide: A Classic Analyzed (HV 6545 D8P66 1976)

Analysis of the publication “Suicide” published by Emile Durkheim in 1897. Focuses on two aspects of the book: the theory, the relationship between theory and data; and Durkheim’s argument for social realism and finally presents as assessment of Durkheim’s accomplishments. (KB)

Egoism, Altruism, Anomie, and Fatalism: A Conceptual Analysis of Durkheim’s Types

This paper presents an analysis of Durkheim’s conceptions of the types of social environment which predispose individuals to suicide. All 4 types are considered: egoism, altruism, anomie and fatalism. These are found to consist of different combinations of extremes on 3 main dimensions of the dominant norms in a social aggregate: their existence, content, and […]

Anomie, Egoisme and the Modern World: Suicide, Durkheim and Weber, Modern Cultural Traditions and the First and Second Protestant Ethos (Micro HV 6545 M16 1978)

A detailed study of Durkeim’s schemas of anomic and egoistic suicide with the purpose of demonstrating that Durkheim shifted on his analytical axis from the notion that the absence of moral discipline generates modern suicides, to the more significant insight that anomie and egoisme are generated by the prescence of extreme modern cultural sanctions. (KB)

Completed Suicide, Attempted Suicide and Urban Social Structure: A Sociological and Social Psychological Study of Anomies, Egoism and Self-Evaluation (Micro HV 6545 W44 1974)

Comparison of the degree of relationships between the social area dimensions of economic and family status on the one hand and egoism, anomie and self-conception on the other. A social area analysis of Flint was completed to select particular study census tract populations with high and low rates of completed and attempted suicide within the […]