Suicide attempts and gender heteronormativity: A cross-sectional study in Cuba

Background: Prior studies have consistently shown that attempts by males tend to be more lethal, and their suicide rates higher than those of females. Although men are more likely to die by suicide, women are much more likely to attempt suicide. Suicide is a gendered problem. As a result, suicide prevention also depends on recognising […]

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Performance and Impulsivity in Patients With Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Suicidal Risk and Suicide Attempts

This study determined if executive function & impulsivity are related to risk for suicide & suicide attempts in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. 42 patiens were recruited. Mutliple regression analysis was carried out to examine predictive associations between clinical variables & Wisconsin Card Sorting Test measures. 24 patients had a score on the Risk for […]

Identity, Rebellion, and Social Justice Among Chinese Contract Workers in Nineteenth-Century Cuba


Knowledge About Suicide Behaviour in High School Adolescents Conocimientos de un grupo de adolescentes sobre la conducta suicida

This article is an English translation. The original Spanish-language version is also available.

Suicidal Factors Amongst the Mariel Cuban Entrants

Violent Deaths Among Mexican-, Puerto Rican-, & Cuban-Born Migrants in the United States

Psychiatric Social Epidemiology in Cuba. II: Issues in Morbidity & Mortality

Social epidemiological issues are explored in the morbidity of psychiatric dysfunction & in the mortality associated with socioenvironmental stress in Cuba. Relevant issues are also explored in the epidemiology of heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver, accidents, homicide & suicide mortality. The review suggests a pattern of increasing epidemiological costs that seem to implicate Cuba’s […]