Invited Commentary: Body Mass Index and Suicide – Untangling an Unlikely Association

A series of prospective studies have found body mass index to be inversely associated with risk of suicide. In the progression from disturbed mental health to suicide ideation to attempted suicide & suicide, augmented by impulsivity & access to highly lethal means, there are several potential steps at which body mass index has been hypothesized […]

Suicide Deaths Concentrated in Beijing Universities

In this letter to the editor, the authors discuss suicide among students at Beijing University. Earlier in 2007, five suicides happened within a period of 8 days – the deaths coincided with official statements from the Ministry of Education on the relatively low rate of suicide among Chinese university students. The effect of the one-child […]

Suicide Prevention

This pocket-book includes the following chapters: Historical Review; Definitions; Epidemiology; Contributing Factors to Suicide; Mental Disorders & the Biological Substrate of Suicide; Psychosocial Influences on Suicidal Behaviour; An Evidence Based Management Approach; Initial Assessment & Management; Non-Pharmacological Approaches; Pharmacological Approaches; Broad Suicide Prevention Initiatives; Bereavement After Suicide; Frequently Asked Queations; & Conclusion. An appendix provides […]

Childhood Predictors of Completed and Severe Suicide Attempts: Findings From the Finnish 1981 Birth Cohort Study

Predictive associations between childhood psychopathologic disorders at the age of 8 years & later suicide & severe suicide attempts were studied in a birth cohort that included 5302 Finns born in 1981 & examined at the age of 8. 54 individuals had either died by suicide or made a serious attempt resulting in hospital admission. […]

Intronic Polymorphism of Tryptophan Hydroxylase and Serotonin Transporter: Indication for Combined Effect in Predisposition to Suicide

Owing to the assumed functionality of intronic polymorphisms of tryptophan hydroxylase (218AC) and 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter (VNTR-2) genes, the authors investigated frequencies of occurrence of the tryptophan hydroxylase & 5-hydroxytryptamine transporter genotypes containing lower activity alleles in 192 suicide victims & 377 controls. Significant differences in frequences of these genotype combinations were found between suicide victims […]

Police Suicides in the New York City Police Department: Causal Factors and Remedial Measures (In: Suicide and Law Enforcement, edited by D C Sheehan & J I Warren)

Since 1985, 89 uniformed members of the New York City Police Department have died by suicide. The department has established several employee assistance units, innovative programs, & initiatives to assist police personnel who are experiencing personal & professional problems in an effort to reduce the incidence of police suicides. This chapter will discuss causal factors […]

Police Suicide: Living Between the Lines (In: Suicide and Law Enforcement, edited by D C Sheehan & J I Warren)

This chapter presents a model known as “living between the lines”, one interpretation of the correlation between interpersonal stress & suicide. This approach explores an officer’s commitment to a career that has been described as a de facto marriage, at times superseding family. The cumulative effect of the cycle of stress described in this model […]

Suicidal Behavior Among Adolescent Students in Puerto Rico, Academic Years 2002-2003 and 2003-2004


Perspectives on Suicide in Africa

This article examines common determinants of suicide in various African populations, the usual methods of suicide, & prevention strategies. (13 refs.)

A Comparison of Suicide Note Writers With Suicides who did not Leave Notes

Using 10 years of cases from Summit County, Ohio, suicide victims who left notes were compared with those who did not leave notes. The 2 groups were compared on 40 variables including sociodemographic characteristics, reported affect before death, precipitating events, physical & mental health status & care, & method of suicide. The only differences found […]

Suicidal Desire and the Capability for Suicide: Tests of the Interpersonal-Psychological Theory of Suicidal Behavior Among Adults

Joiner’s (2005) interpersonal-psychological theory of suicidal behaviour proposes an individual will not die by suicide unless he or she has both the desire to & the ability to do so. 3 studies tested these hypotheses. In Study 1, the interaction of thwarted belongingness & perceived burdensomeness predicted current suicide ideation. In Study 2, greater levels […]

“Why I Tried to Kill Myself” – an Exploration of the Factors Contributing to Suicide in the Waterberg District

A qualitative descriptive study was conducted using free attitude interviews in English with 8 purposefully selected participants. Subjects were recruited from patients admitted to hospital after a suicide attempt. Themes were identified through the McMillan method. Predisposing conditions included economic, health-related factors, substance abuse, & disturbed interpersonal relationships. Other contributory factors were emotional reactions, unpleasant […]

The Conspiracy of Silence: Emotional Health Among Medical Practitioners

The Association Between Alcohol Misuse and Suicidal Behaviour

Aims: Despite recent small reductions in overall suicide rates, rates among those aged 25–44 have remained high. The aim of this paper was to examine the evidence for a link between alcohol misuse/consumption and suicidal behaviour, explore the reasons for this association, and consider the implications for reducing rates of suicidal behaviour. Methods: A medline […]

Police Suicide

Intentional Injury Mortality in the European Union: how Many More Lives Could be Saved?

Objective: To explore the scope for reducing the number of intentional injury deaths, hypothesizing that all European Union (EU) countries are able to match the experience of the country with the lowest mortality rate for intentional injuries. Design: Intentional injury mortality data for the three last available years and denominator population estimates were obtained from […]

Police Officer Suicide: Causes, Prevention, and Practical Intervention Strategies


Suicide Prevention is not Just About Treating Depression

What Does Brain Imaging Tell us About the Predisposition to Suicidal Behavior

Dissecting the Suicide Phenotype: the Role of Impulsive-Aggressive Behaviours

Lifetime Suicide Rates in Treated Schizophrenia: 1875-1924 and 1994-1998 Cohorts Compared


Stresses and Self-destructive Behaviors of Dentists

Origins of Disease Phobia
