Impact of position in family on suicide: A case-control psychological autopsy study among Chinese rural youths

Introduction. Suicide remains an important public health issue in China. Existing literature on the relationship between individual-familial variables and suicide risk mainly focused on family socioeconomic status, and few studies analyzed the effect of position in family on suicide. In this study, we aimed to explore the association between position in family and suicide among […]

Birth order and suicide in adulthood: Evidence from Swedish population data.

Studies how birth order was associated with suicide and other main causes of death. Focus was on the within-family variation in suicide risk, meaning that we studied sibling groups that consisted of 2 or more children in which at least 1 died from suicide. Contact us for a copy of this article, or view online […]

Maternal age at child birth, birth order, and suicide at a young age: a sibling comparison.
