Support in bereavement processes in cases of suicide or substance-related death in childhood: A systematic review

Exposure to parental suicide or substance-related death can be a risk factor for unwanted developmental trajectories. The stigma and taboo that often follow a death subject to being morally sanctioned in society (‘special deaths’) pose an extra challenge for the surviving child and family. The support of informal and formal networks is an important factor […]

The suicide support group as a signifying agent and emotion transformer: A contribution from a micro-sociological perspective

We examined social mechanisms of suicide support groups based on evidence from an Italian postvention program. Our data comprise field notes from 47 meetings of a peer group and interviews with 20 suicide survivors. Group meetings unfolded as interaction rituals with elements including the survivors’ focus on their trauma, their common emotions, and their perception […]

The suicide support group as a signifying agent and emotion transformer: A contribution from a micro-sociological perspective

We examined social mechanisms of suicide support groups based on evidence from an Italian postvention program. Our data comprise field notes from 47 meetings of a peer group and interviews with 20 suicide survivors. Group meetings unfolded as interaction rituals with elements including the survivors’ focus on their trauma, their common emotions, and their perception […]

At arm’s length: A qualitative study of suicide prevention barriers among those experience with suicide loss

Background: Little attention has been paid to the experiences of families and carers supporting and accessing support for individuals in the period preceding and following their death by suicide. For many families and carers who have experienced loss and been subjected to a series of unhelpful or harmful encounters with health and emergency services, there […]

A longitudinal study of the impact of a suicide bereavement service on people bereaved by suicide

Whilst the body of research on the impacts of suicide bereavement interventions continues to grow, there is little understanding of the impact over time. This study measured changes in suicidality, levels of loneliness and grief reactions over time between those receiving support from a community-based suicide bereavement service (StandBy) compared with those that did not […]

Preventing suicide: How to start a survivors’ group

Self-help support groups are groups made up of people who are directly and personally affected by a particular issue, condition or concern. They are run by their members, which means that those directly affected by the  issue are the ones who control the activities and the priorities of their group. While many self help groups […]

SOS support group facilitator handbook: Creating a safe place for those dealing with suicide loss

This booklet is for facilitators of suicide loss support groups. Hopefully it will be of value to both new and experienced facilitators, but it cannot address every situation that you may encounter. It is best used in a training where discussion can clarify and expand upon the material given herein. It draws on the experience […]

An exploratory factor analysis of the survivor of suicide support group facilitator scale: Identifying meaningful factors for group facilitation and outcomes

Support groups for suicide loss survivors are a relatively common resource used by those who are left to cope in the aftermath of a suicide death. Though descriptive studies have been used to provide an overview of support groups in the past, there have been no efforts to understand nuances of these groups and the […]

Models of adult bereavement support groups

Before taking on some of the nuts and bolts of adult bereavement support groups, it is probably a good idea to consider what support groups are and why they can be a useful option for supporting the bereaved as they grieve. This will enable the laying  down of some groundwork, what might work best for […]

Survivors of suicide: A support group leader’s handbook

Survivors of Suicide (SOS) is a support group for bereaved family members and close friends of suicide victims. The group provides a safe place for survivors to support one another as they deal with the painful questions and feelings that follow suicide.  Bereavement after suicide is a profoundly difficult and complex experience. The stigma of […]

Suicide survivor support groups: Comings and goings, part 1

This two-part report examines important aspects of survivor of suicide support groups: some of the motivating factors attracting survivors to join these groups and why many withdraw as time after a loss passes. From a variety of data sources, including survey data collected from 462 parents losing a child to suicide, participant observation data (collected […]

Preventing suicide: How to start a survivors’ group

Self-help support groups are groups made up of people who are directly and personally affected by a particular issue, condition or concern. They are run by their members, which means that those directly affected by the issue are the ones who control  the activities and the priorities of their group. While many self help groups […]

Models of adult bereavement support groups

Upon completion, students will be able to: 1.Identify at least two benefits of offering groups. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of at least two topics and activities appropriate for a group. 3. Articulate knowledge of ways in which to successfully manage group challenges. Before taking on some of the nuts and bolts of adult bereavement support groups, […]

“That feeling of solidarity and not being alone is incredibly, incredibly healing”: A qualitative study of participating in suicide bereavement peer support groups

Suicide can have a significant impact on the bereaved. Peer support groups for suicide bereavement have been shown to enhance the wellbeing of those attending. However, research is lacking on the mechanisms that underlie these benefits. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 adults attending peer-facilitated support groups in Ireland and thematic analysis was used. The […]

Survivor of suicide loss support group facilitators: Do peers and professionals differ?

Suicide is a major public health issue affecting countless people each year worldwide. Support groups are one of the few resources available to survivors of suicide loss to aid the healing journey. This study examined differences among support group facilitators based on status as a peer, professional, or peer/professional. Differences emerged among the facilitator types, […]

Online-group intervention after suicide bereavement through the use of webinars: Study protocol for randomized controlled trial

Introduction The death of a significant person through suicide is a very difficult experience and can have long-term impact on an individual’s psychosocial and physical functioning. However, there are only few studies which have examined the effects of interventions in suicide survivors. In the present study, we examined an online-group intervention for people bereaved by […]

Setting up and facilitating bereavement support groups: A practical guide.

Those who have been bereaved are in need of support, and groupwork is an effective way in which people can come together and support each other in a trusted environment. This book provides a practical introduction to setting up and facilitating bereavement support groups, giving facilitators the confidence to run a group. It guides the […]

Effective grief and bereavement support: the role of family, friends, colleagues, schools and support professionals.

Towards Good Practice: Standards and Guidelines for Suicide Bereavement Support Groups

This set of standards & guidelines was developed to support those who participate in & operate suicide bereavement support groups. The 4 major standards articulated are: support group & maintenance (goals, membership, structure, ethics, legal aspects, & marketing); support group philosophy & processes (philosophy on clients, service delivery, inclusiveness, group processes, understanding suicide bereavement, & […]

Can Postvention be Prevention?

This study reviewed the current status of postvention support, including definitions used & the objectives & effectiveness of support activities for people bereaved by suicide. 43 refs.)

Resources and Tactics for Preventing Suicide

This article reviews the major tactics for preventing suicide, including medications, psychotherapy for suicidal clients, emergency management & treatment, crisis intervention centres, education programmes for physicians, restricting access to lethal methods, school education programs, & groups for survivors. A brief paragraph discusses resources for those wishing to die by suicide. Evaluative data is presented for […]

Support Groups for Suicide Survivors: Results of a Survey of Group Leaders

To update & expand Rubey & McIntosh’s (1996) survivors of suicide support groups report, SPAN USA did a survey of American support group leaders. 24% of 100 surveys were complete. There are now more survivor groups (from 280 to 417) & the majority of groups now have survivor leaders (78% versus 25%). Groups continue to […]

Surviving After Suicide Loss: the Healing Potential of Suicide Survivor Support Groups
