Comparison of suicide attempters and decedents in the U.S Army: A latent class analysis

A clearer understanding of risk factors for suicidal behavior among soldiers is of principal importance to military suicide prevention. It is unclear whether soldiers who attempt suicide and those who die by suicide have different patterns of risk factors. As such, preventive efforts aimed toward reducing suicide attempts and suicides, respectively, may require different strategies. […]

The suicidal inmate: A comparison of inmates who attempt versus complete suicide

The aim of this study was to identify risk factors distinguishing inmates who attempt suicide from inmates who complete suicide. Compared with attempters, completers tended to be older, male, more educated, and married or separated/divorced; pretrial, committed for a violent crime, incarcerated in jail, housed in an inpatient mental health unit or protective custody setting, […]

Last suicide attempt before completed suicide in severe depression: An extended suicidal process may be found in men rather than women.

Journal copy held in CSP Library.

Apples to oranges?: A direct comparison between suicide attempters and suicide completers.

Suicide attempters and completers may represent different but overlapping groups of distressed individuals. Although depression is related to an increased risk of suicide, the presence of depression may not discriminate suicide attempters from completers. The present study compared suicide attempters and suicide completers on symptoms of depression, the presence of suicide-related variables and stressful life […]

After a suicide: a toolkit for schools.


Possible association between suicide committed under influence of ethanol and a variant in the AUTS2 gene.


Surveillance of suicide and suicide attempts among veterans: addressing a national imperative.


Suicides and suicide attempts in the U.S. military, 2008-2010.

Journal is held in the CSP library.

The effect of social adjustment and attachment style on suicidal behaviour.


Suicide and deliberate self-harm in Oxford University students over a 30-year-period.


Completed suicide, ideation and attempt in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.


Prevalence of childhood trauma among U.S. Army soldiers with suicidal behavior.


Fatality of Suicide Attempts in Amsterdam 1996-2005

This study identified time trends & demographic differences in the occurrence of nonfatal suicide attempts versus suicides in Amsterdam. Registrations of forensic physicians & ambulance services were used to study 1,004 suicides & 6,166 nonfatal attempts over the period 1996-2005. The number of nonfatal attempts declined from 1996 to 2005, but the number of suicides […]

Theories of Attempted Suicide: Should They Differ From Theories of Completed Suicide?

This paper explores whether theories of completed suicide are applicable to attempted suicide. It is concluded that theories are needed which apply specifically to attempted suicide, & suggestions are made for sociological & psychological theories of attempted suicide. (32 refs.)

A Comparative Analysis of Suicide and Parasuicide

A prospective study was conducted to analyse the spectrum of suicide attempters & completers at Kasturba Hospital in Manipal, India from January 2001-December 2004. There was a total sample of 246 cases, 90 of whom died & 156 who survived their attempt. Men outnumbered women in those who died & more women survived than men. […]

Study of Process and Causes Related to Suicide in Ilam Province During 1992-2005

This study evaluated some variables related to suicide & compared these variables between people who attempted suicide & those who died by suicide during 1992-2005 in Ilam province, Iran. Through retrospective study, all data related to 2,854 people who died by suicide were investigated in detail. Among 2,845 suicide records, 61.6% were female & the […]

Factors Associated With Failed and Completed Railway Suicides

This study assessed the proportion of survivors of railway suicide & compared survivors & decedents in terms of personal characteristics & temporal patterns to identify potential differences. A total of 5731 suicide victims listed in the German central railway registry of person accidents over the period 1997-2002 & satisfying an operational definition of suicidal behaviour […]

Law Enforcement Suicide: Psychological Autopsies and Psychometric Traces (In: Suicide and Law Enforcement, edited by D C Sheehan & J I Warren)

This chapter examines the presuicide behavioural patterns of officers who died by suicide, along with their pre-employment psychological profile. Findings are compared with a small sample of other officers who have threatened suicide. Themes apparent from the examination of psychological autopsies are discussed as possible unseen warning signs of self-destructive behaviour. Psychometric data obtained from […]

Research Project Comparing Suicide Mortality Cases and Suicide Attempts in New Brunswick Between April 2002 and May 2003

Text is available in French & English.

Youth Suicide: a Psychological Autopsy Study of Completers and Controls


Violent and Nonviolent Methods of Suicide: Different Patterns may be Found in men and Women With Severe Depression

This study investigated violent & nonviolent suicidal acts in men & women with severe depression. The records of 98 Swedish suicide victims admitted to hospital between 1956-1969 were evaluated. Subjects were monitored up to 1998. The female group displayed a significant linear trend for nonviolent completed suicide after one suicide attempt, & even more significantly, […]

Comparison of Completed and Attempted Suicide in Akita, Japan

To determine the factors underlying suicide in Akita Prefecture, a questionnaire survey was conducted among members of the Akita Prefectural Medical Association. From July 2001-June 2002, 138 suicides & 105 suicide attempts were attended. Significant differences were identified between the completed & attempted suicide groups in terms of gender, age, & methods. Furthermore, the number […]

Psychological Tensions Found in Suicide Notes: a Test for the Strain Theory of Suicide

This research has content-analyzed 40 suicide notes (20 by those who died by suicide & 20 by suicide attempters) & found strong support for the strain theory of suicide. Although little difference is found in the number & pattern of strains between the completers & attempters, both groups have many aspirations & coping strains & […]