Injury prevention and suicide

Cliquez ici pour la version française Click here to view all our fact sheets on suicide. These fact sheets are a collaboration between the Centre for Suicide Prevention, the Mental Health Commission of Canada, and the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention. What is it? Injury prevention aims to reduce harm and increase safety for individuals, […]

Self-harm and Suicide

Self-harming behaviours continue to be a major issue in Canada. This is especially true for young people, whose self-harm rates far outnumber those for adults. Self-harm can sometimes be associated with increased suicidality. Self-harm has been defined as “a preoccupation with deliberately hurting oneself without conscious suicidal intent, often resulting in damage to body tissue” […]

Self-harm and suicide

This webinar discusses self-harm and suicide in students. PowerPoint Slides (PDF) For further reading, see our Self-Harm and Suicide Toolkit.  Discussion Q&A Question: What would you advise the math teacher to do exactly when told by a student’s friends that a student is harming herself? Answer: Good question, okay so let’s play with that example a […]