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    Last updated July 23, 2020

    The following is the Centre for Suicide Prevention procedure for hosting virtual workshops.

    Before the virtual workshop

    • Participants have received Zoom link, Zoom etiquette, workshop materials and community resource sheets
    • Group size targeted at 12-14 participants
    • Virtual workshops are scheduled for 4.5 hours total; this includes a 3.5 hour workshop inclusive of breaks
      • 45 min prior to start, Host admits Trainer (if timing does not permit, CSP will contact Trainer in advance to schedule an alternate 15 min check-in prior to the day of the workshop)
      • 30 min prior to start, Host admits participants (and Trainer where applicable)
      • Workshop runs for 3.5 hours
      • 30 min debrief at end (Host, Trainer, Community Support, Observers)
    • Timing offerings
      • 8 am – 12:30 pm, Mon-Fri
      • 12:30 pm – 5 pm, Mon-Fri
      • Evening and weekend times are offered periodically

    Roles and responsibilities

    Zoom offerings have a team of 3: Trainer, CSP Host, Community Support person (CSP Trainer, CSP staff member or a facilitator from the Organizer); Trainers who want to become Zoom facilitators can also attend as Observers

    Trainer: facilitate the virtual workshop

    CSP Host: operate Zoom; advance slides; monitor participants; monitor chat box, notify Community Support person if a participant feels triggered and move Community Support person and participant to a break-out room

    Community Support person (CS): be prepared to talk to a participant who feels triggered or uneasy; facilitate break-out group discussion; alert Trainer to questions in the chat box; respond to messages in the chat box

    Observer: attend the workshop as a deferential participant, promote group discussion in a way that supports the Trainer, provide back-up for the Community Support person as needed including facilitating discussion in the break-out rooms

    During the virtual workshop

    • Slides will be the focus of the screen during ‘teaching times’; slides will be minimized for discussion times
    • Participants are expected to keep their cameras on throughout the virtual workshop
    • Trainer can encourage interaction through the chat box or through open dialogue or both
    • Trainer may request supporting resources of CSP Host/CS during the workshop (these can be popped in the chat box) to support discussion



    • Encouraged to have their ASIST workbooks handy for PAL model reference during the virtual workshop


    • Use break-out groups to debrief the video to allow for more airtime for each participant (each Zoom room to be facilitated by Trainer, CS and CSP Host)
    • If several people have done a suicide intervention since their ASIST, divide these people between the two break-out groups
    • ‘Strangeness slides’ can be eliminated; essence of these slides can be integrated into group discussion
    • Conclude the virtual workshop with the ‘ready, willing, and able slides’

    Small Talk and Looking Forward


    • Encouraged to have their handout, resource sheet and links to relevant toolkits handy for reference during the virtual workshop


    • Use break-out groups for case study analysis to allow for more airtime for each participant (each Zoom room to be facilitated by Trainer, CS and CSP Host)

    Little Cub


    • Encouraged to have their 5-slide pdf handout handy


    • Use break-out groups for case study analysis to allow for more airtime for each participant (each Zoom room to be facilitated by Trainer, CS and CSP Host)