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Table of Contents

    Thank you for participating in this Community Consultation for the Centre for Suicide Prevention’s Respite Centre Pilot Project. Your participation adds valuable information about your community that will help inform the selection of the pilot location. Currently there are four potential locations, Fort McMurray, Grande Prairie, Red Deer and Medicine Hat. At this point, funding is available for one pilot site.

    Anyone is welcome to participate in the community consultation. Our goal is to hear from a diverse group of people including those who have experience in and with the mental health system, those who work in community agencies, who are engaged in the local municipality, who own and operate local businesses, and who live and work in the community. Many participants will fit into more than one category and will therefore be able to provide perspective from multiple lenses. Below is a more detailed list of who may be participating in the Community Consultation.

    • Representatives from the mental health system: doctors, nurses, social workers, psychologists, counsellors, crisis team members, detox center and addictions staff, outreach workers
    • People who have experienced mental health and/or suicide crisis personally
    • People who have lost a loved one to suicide, or support a loved one who experiences ongoing mental health and/or suicide crisis
    • Elected officials: local, provincial and federal
    • City employees
    • Business community
    • Individuals and families living in the community

    To help you fill out the survey, please refer to the Respite Centre Backgrounder HERE.

    Questions? Please contact our Project Coordinator, Hannah Ratz at [email protected] or 403-254-3900 ext. 236. We look forward to seeing you!